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     My eyes opened slowly, what happened? I looked over and saw Elrond and Gandalf, they were both staring at me.

    "What... What happened?" I asked as I tried to sit up.

    "Lady Galadriel made you sleep to stop the pain that your ancestors were giving you," Gandalf answered.

    "Oh," I said blinking as I was a bit confused.

    Elrond came to my side, "are you feeling alright?" he asked.

     "Yeah, I'm fine. The pain's gone. I'm not even sure why my ancestors were mad, apart of me thinks it might be because of Saruman but I don't know why they'd be mad at him..." I explained.

     Gandalf got a thoughtful look on his face when I said that, he must know something... But, what does he know?

     "Did the Company leave?" I asked when I realized that they were planning on leaving at first light.

    "Yes, they did," Elrond answered nodding his head, "you don't have to follow them. You can stay here. This is your home." He said and I could tell he was worried about me.

    "No, this is not my home. It was never my home. The only homely thing about this place was you, Elrond. You are like a father to me and that is how I see you." I told him as I pulled him into a hug. "But I must go, I'm sorry, please understand." 

    As Elrond pulled away, he smiled at me. "You have grown to be an excellent woman, I am so proud of you." He stood up and nodded at Gandalf before leaving us.

    "When your ready, we'll follow them," Gandalf said.

    "I'm ready, I just need to grab my stuff from my room." I told him.

     I went to my room and I put on my cloak and I grabbed my bag. I looked over at my sword, I sighed as I grabbed it and strapped it to my belt. I decided to leave my bow, I had enough weapons. I headed out the door to meet Gandalf.

     I met Gandalf outside, I felt someone staring at me, I turned my head and saw Elrond watching us from the balcony. I smiled at him and he smiled back, nodding his head at me.

    And with that Gandalf and I left Rivendell to catch up to the Company...


     As we walked, Gandalf had their trail. We were just about to enter the misty mountains. I decided to tell him about the new Fae ability that I learned about.

    "Did you know that I appear the height of every species I come near? My normal height is an inch taller than a Dwarf but when I'm in the presence of an Elf I'm their height or in the presence of a human, the same thing." I told him.

    "I did know that, since I'm a wizard that trick doesn't work on me, I see you as your normal height." Gandalf said.

    "It's a weird trick, am I right?" I asked smiling a bit.

    "Yes, yes it is." I nodded, "wait, does that mean I appear the height of a Hobbit to Bilbo?" I asked.

    "Actually, no. When you first met Bilbo, I could sense you trusted him subconsciously so you let him see the real you." He answered.

    "Oh," I said confusingly, "what about Elrond?"

    "He sees you a height of an Elf just a bit shorter but not as short as you really are." He answered.

    "Weird," I shook my head.


     As we walked along the mountain side, I noticed some of the broken parts. They were here. I know they were. 

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now