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     A part me wanted to ask what is a Rhosgobel Rabbits and how can they outrun a Warg because honestly, it seems impossible. But, as he got on his sled and they started to run, honestly, the huge Rhosgobel Rabbits were fast, like really fast.

    We watched as Radagast led rabbits into the open and he called the Orcs and the Wargs to follow him and they did. He was laughing like crazy like it was a game, and he wasn't lying. The Wargs were not catching up to him. 

     "Come on," Gandalf ordered as we started to run the other way.

     We seemed to be out of the line of fire when Thorin stopped making us all stop, we saw the Orc pack and Radagast running in front of us! Did they backtrack this way? Not very helpful, Radagast!

    "Stay together!" Gandalf ordered.

     We were running when the Orc pack got in front of us once again, Ori was about to run straight into them but Thorin grabbed him before he could and pulled him behind him.

     "All of you, come on. Quick!" Gandalf ordered pulling us the opposite way of the Orcs.

     "Where are we going?" I asked him.

      Thorin seemed to be wondering the same thing, "where are you leading us?" He asked as well.

    Gandalf just looked at the two of us and he sighed, not answering the question and began to run with the rest of the Dwarves, we followed suit... We ran a good way when the Radagast crossed us again and we knew the Orc pack wasn't far behind. We went behind a rock for cover. 

   As we stayed behind the rock, I heard a Warg climb on top of it. An Orc sitting on the Warg. He had a horn... They will smell us and we'll have an Orc Pack on top of us! 

    Thorin noticed the Orc riding the Warg and he nodded at Kili who had a bow. He armed the bow before going into the open a bit and shooting the Warg, the Orc was about to do the horn but Kili shot another arrow at it!

     The Orc wasn't dead, he got back up to attack us, Dwalin hit it with his hammer and Bifur helped. I decided to finish it off because they seemed to not know the best way to kill and Orc. I stabbed the Orc in the head, making it dead.

    That was when we heard the Wargs howling... 

    "They heard us," I said.

     "Move! Run!" Gandalf ordered as he started to run

     Every one of us followed him running as well, I could feel the Orc pack behind us. It was like they were right there. As we ran, I wondered where Gandalf could be leading us... We needed cover, a place to hide from the Orcs but where could we hide?

    We stopped for a short second and saw two packs pretty much surrounding us! Gandalf looked around and found a way to run and he ordered us that way. We continued to run the way he told us to go.

    Everyone stopped when we saw and Orc in front of us, I looked around. We were pretty much surrounded! 

   "There's more coming!" Kili exclaimed.

    "We're surrounded!" Fili told everyone.

    Kili took out his bow and started to shoot the Orcs. I remembered my bow, I almost forgot that I took it off of Mae. I pulled my bow off my shoulder and I dug in my bag and I pulled out a pack of arrows putting it on my shoulders and pulling an arrow and shot at the Orcs as well, helping Kili.

    "Where's Gandalf?" Dori asked.

    I looked around, Gandalf was nowhere to be seen! Did he leave us!? I huffed as I continued to shoot the Orcs.

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