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     The next morning, I woke up earlier than everyone else. I guess it's an instinct. I got up and I walked over to my stuff. I grabbed a change of clothes and I went to the bathroom and got ready //her outfit above that she'll wear for pretty much the entire journey, just imagine what's on her hands is wrapped on her wrists up and stops at her upper arm also and a matching cloak//

     After changing, I walked out. Since everyone was still asleep, I decided to just sit and enjoy the comfort of this home. I sat in my dining next to the window looking out it. Maybe one day I'll have a home like this one. Comfortable, nice, warm, and just a normal life.

     I was pulled out of my thoughts by my senses telling me someone had just walked into the room... I looked over and saw it was just Balin.

     "Good morning," Balin greeted.

     "Yes, it is." I nodded looking out the window once more before looking back at him.

      "You know, I used to be the first to wake up out of all the Dwarves I've lived with. I never found one person who could wake up before me." He told me.

     "So, I am the first?" I asked grinning a bit.

     "Yes, you are," he nodded, "you know I used to be the one to watch over the only book on your people. I'm the closest you could find to an expert." He spoke up.

     "I thought all the books were destroyed," I said confused.

     "They were but the ancestors who did it agreed on keeping one book. I used to read it every month. I dreamed of meeting a Faerie one day and here we are." He explained.

     "Yes, here we are." I smiled brightly.

     "I believe it was wrong what our ancestors did to yours. I cannot even imagine growing up like you did. I'm so sorry." Balin told me sympathetically.

    "It wasn't your fault. My ancestors did bad things to try to protect the ones they loved but still, they were bad things that got them killed. I believe they brought it on themselves." I said and that was when I got a sharp pain in my head. 

     I held my head, trying to get it to stop.

    "Are you alright, Lass?" Balin asked coming to my side.

    After a couple of long, agonizing seconds, it finally stopped. I took a deep breath. "Yeah... I almost forgot, no calling out your ancestors when you are spiritually linked to them." I laughed weakly.

    "You're linked to your ancestors spiritually?" Balin asked and I nodded. "I thought that was just a myth."

   "Nope, not a myth," I said shaking my head.

    Funny thing was, I didn't get a flashback last night in my sleep but they attack me for calling them out for their own stupidity. Plus, they didn't give me a headache last night when I thought that the Fae species should die. They were always selfish, even in the death, they are selfish.


    Soon, everyone was awake and ready to get going. I grabbed my sword and I strapped it to my belt, then my blade, and then finally my axe. My bow was outside on Mae and trust me no one can steal it. 

   I got my Mae as so did the other Dwarves. Thorin led the Company out of the Shire. Gandalf told me that he had left the Contract and he believes that Bilbo will join us.

    I noticed some of the Dwarves placing bets on Bilbo, whether or not he'll show up. I just shook my head amusingly.

   "What do you think?" Fili asked riding up next to me. 

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now