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     Everyone was untied and up on their feet, Serena put her blade back in its sheath. She sighed crossing her arms. 

    "This went well, sort of," Serena muttered to herself.

     "Thanks to you," Fili told her as he walked over to her, "if it wasn't for you Bombur would have been eaten whole. We all would have." 

     "Are you saying thank you?" She asked grinning a bit.

     "Oh, nah, I'd never do that. Too proud." He joked and she laughed at his joke and so did he. 

     Thorin walked over to Gandalf who was checking out the Stone Trolls, hitting them with his staff to see if they'd break.

     "Where did you go to, if I may ask?" Thorin asked.

     "To look ahead," Gandalf answered.

     "What brought you back?" He asked again.

     "Looking behind," Gandalf answered once again, Thorin grinned at his answer. "Nasty business... Still, they're all in one piece."

     "No thanks to your burglar and that Fae girl," Thorin said looking at Gandalf.

     "They had the nous to play for time, none of the rest of you thought of that." He looked at Thorin and he sighed knowing it was true.

    "Not just that, that Fae girl is proving time and time again that she is becoming a distraction for my nephews, especially my heir; Fili," Thorin said gesturing to the two.

   Gandalf looked over and saw Fili and Serena laughing together. 

    "They are just becoming close, it's normal." Gandalf rode it off.

    "You're lucky she is the second part of getting into Erebor," Thorin said crossing his arms stubbornly.

    Gandalf sighed as he looked at the Stone Trolls, "they must have come down from the Ettenmoors." he thought out loud.

    "Since when do Mountain Trolls venture this far south?" Thorin asked.

    "Ooh, not for an age; not since a darker power ruled these lands. They could not have moved in daylight." Gandalf said.

    "There must be a cave nearby." Thorin figured out and ordered everyone to look for it...


     We searched for the cave, my senses smelled a stench of death and knew that was it. I followed the scent and found it, "over here!" I called to the rest of them. Soon, they came to me and they saw it. 

    Gandalf and Thorin led the path inside as we went in. 

    "Oh, what's that stench?" Nori asked.

    "It's a Troll-hoard. Be careful what you touch." Gandalf ordered.

    I moved a part of my hood over my mouth, to stop the stench as I ventured farther in. As we searched it. I found a chest with a crest that I recognized from my flashbacks... That's the crest of my family!

    I opened it immediately and saw three swords that were Fae metal... Two ancient books and a map that was rolled up. I put the map and the books in my bag, then I grabbed the swords. 

   "Fae metal," Gandalf said as we walked over.

    "How did they get these?" I asked.

    "Who knows," he shook his head, "they are yours. You keep them. Give them to whoever you like or keep them for yourself." 

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now