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    The woman screamed as she was giving birth, she was in a small village and the midwives were helping her give birth. 

    "Push, just little bit more!" A midwife ordered.

     The woman screamed as she pushed once again and the walls shook before the shaking stopped when a baby's crying began... The midwife pulled the baby out and wrapped it in a cloth.

    "It's a girl," The midwife informed the mother.

     "A girl?" The mother asked as she looked at the baby inside of the midwife's hands, she felt the spirits of her ancestors rejoice about the fact that for the first time in a century a Fae survived childbirth.

     The midwife cleaned the baby girl before placing her in her mother's arm, the woman stared at her daughter. 

    "If you don't mind me asking, miss... What are you going to name her?" The midwife asked.

     The woman looked at the midwife with a blank expression, "Serena..." She answered, she looked back down the baby, the baby girl slowly opened her eyes, revealing her bright violet purple eyes... "Her name is Serena."


     I stood there, crossing my arms as I watched Bilbo climb the rocks so he checks if the Orcs are close. My arm was shaking badly, I just held it still trying to make it stop. I knew it was because of me using my abilities so late in life. I cannot use that ability anymore, not anytime soon. My Elemental Magic is a different story, it works fine...

    I snapped out of my thoughts, I just shook my head as I decided to ignore the thoughts and problems of my abilities for now. I need to focus on the mission ahead.

   I noticed Bilbo jump down, I smiled slightly at him but he had a worried look on his face.

    "He's back," I told the others before looking back at Bilbo, "what is wrong?" I asked him.

    "How close is the pack?" Thorin asked.

    "Too close, a couple of leagues, no more. But, that's not the worst of it." Bilbo answered as ran to us, he stopped.

    "Have the Wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin asked.

    "Not yet, but they will do... We have another problem," Bilbo said.

    "Did they see you?" I asked.

     "They saw you," Gandalf exclaimed afraid of that idea.

     "No, that's not it." Bilbo shook his head.

     "What did I tell you?" Gandalf told the others, "quiet as a mouse, excellent burglar material." Some of the Dwarves agreed with him but I could tell Bilbo was trying to tell us something. 

    "Everyone, stop talking!" I ordered and they went silent, "Bilbo is trying to tell us something." I said rolling my eyes.

    "Thank you, Serena," Bilbo nodded, "I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there." Bilbo told us.

    "What form did it take?" Gandalf asked, "like a bear?" 

    "Ye-" Bilbo looked at Gandalf shocked he would know what he was going to say, "yes, but bigger. Much bigger." He answered.

     "You knew about this beast?" Bofur asked.

     "What is it?" I asked.

     Gandalf seemed to be offended by Bofur's and my questions and he turned away as he was thinking. 

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now