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     "RUN!" Gandalf ordered.

     We started to run again, knowing that an Orc pack was quite literally behind us and out for blood. And no Elves escape hatch this time... 

     We kept running and running until they were literally right there behind us. I noticed we were coming to a dead end!

     Wargs were running in, as a brown Warg jumped down and tried to attack me, I stabbed it in the head. I pulled my sword out and kept fighting. We kept running and saw it was a dead end like I had thought.

    "Up into the trees!" Gandalf ordered.

    Everyone started to climb into the trees, I jumped up on the second tree and climbed a bit when I almost slipped but someone grabbed my arm, I looked and saw it was Fili once again. He pulled me up so I couldn't fall.

    "We've got to stop doing that, one of these times I'm going to actually fall." I said.

     He just laughed as he looked down, I grinned as I looked over to Gandalf, I saw him looking at a butterfly on his staff... What is he doing?

    I just shook my head as I turned back around, I then gasped. I saw the leader of the Orc pack... Azog the Defiler! 

    "Do you smell it? The scent of fear?" Azog asked his followers then he looked straight at Thorin, "I remember your father reeked of it, Thorin son of Thrain." 

    I thought... I thought Thorin's father was missing... Azog killed him? I looked at Fili and he had the same look on his face thinking about the fact of what happened to his Grandfather. 

    "It cannot be..." Thorin said shaking his head.

     "That one is mine, kill the others!" Azog ordered.

     A bunch of Wargs started to run at the trees! They started to claw at them, the trees started to wobble. It was hard to keep a hold on the tree but I managed... 

     Suddenly the first tree fell into the second one, the one we were in! All the Dwarves from the first one jumped onto the second one. The tree got pretty crowded and it started to fall as well and it hit the last one, I jumped onto a branch on the last tree. Every other Dwarf did as well. We were left on a dependence of one single tree!

    I then noticed Gandalf pick up one of the pinecones and he lit on fire before throwing it at them! He then lit two more on fire, he threw one to Fili, I grabbed a pinecone and Fili lit mine with it, then lit Bilbo's.

   I threw my pine cone and it hit on of the Wargs! Soon everyone was throwing flaming pinecones! After a while, it made a wall of fire and the Wargs wouldn't dare cross it because they are afraid of fire.

   We began to celebrate because honestly, it was good news when suddenly the tree started to fall! We all held on, Fili grabbed me to make sure I wouldn't fall, I sent a smile as a thank you but the fact was the tree was still falling! Well... It stopped falling but it is holding on by a literal thread!

    Suddenly, Ori fell but he grabbed onto Dori who was holding on for dear life, even more now that he had Ori to need to save. But, he couldn't hold on. "Mr. Gandalf," Dori cried and Gandalf looked at him as Dori fell as well but Gandalf held out his staff and Dori grabbed onto it and Ori was holding onto Dori still.

    I looked, what do we do? The tree began to break off its thread. I couldn't let that happen. I put my hand out and I used all my strength in my ability of telekinesis to hold it up! It was hard but it was working for now...

   Thorin stood up, I looked at him in shock, what is he doing? He began to walk off the tree onto the ground! He started to run at Azog! When suddenly the Warg Azog was on hit Thorin and he fell to the ground!

   I glanced at Dori and Ori, they were barely holding on! Dori's clutch on the staff was slipping. And honestly, I'm barely holding on to the tree. I have hardly any control over this power...

   I looked back to Thorin and saw he had stood up, he was ready to fight but Azog hit him again, making Thorin fall again! 

    "No!" Balin yelled.

     I couldn't dare watch this... Thorin can't beat Azog. Not alone... I wanted to help him but I had to hold on to the tree. I fear if I let go, it will give and fall. But, I can feel myself slipping from the grip. It was not working.

    Suddenly, the Warg bit into Thorin! I looked away, not being about to was that. Dwalin tried to help but the branch gave and he almost fell but he held on... The Warg threw Thorin a bit ways from them... I hoped he would get up but it was not seeming that way.

    I couldn't hold on and I let go of the tree, luckily it didn't fall. Apparently, me holding on made that thread stronger. I looked over back at Thorin, he wasn't getting up... Azog with close to finishing him off...

   An Orc jumped off his Warg and took out his blade and began to walk towards Thorin... No... Suddenly Bilbo tackled the Orc to the ground! Bilbo! He's going to get himself killed! But, he did save Thorin... For now.

   Bilbo killed the Orc he tackled before he stepped in front of Thorin, protecting him from Azog. I pulled myself to my feet. The some of the other Dwarves did so too. I wasn't about to let Bilbo fight this alone and neither were they.

   I jumped off the tree, Fili and Kili did so as well. They were two of the 'some Dwarves' that got up. All three of us started to running and attacking the Wargs that were trying to kill Bilbo and Thorin! Dwalin joined in on the fight! Soon, we had a good very small group fighting.

    I killed a Warg before killing the Orc on top of it when I saw Azog going near Bilbo and Thorin again. I shook my head as I jumped in front of them. I put up my blade, Azog didn't freeze, he was too mighty for that of course...

    "Who are you to stand up to me?" Azog growled.

    I felt anger growing inside of me, my sword wasn't going to do the trick right now... I focused on my elemental magic and I went to the first thing that came to mind... Lightning.

    I saw Azog's eyes widened, I looked and saw my hand was sparking with electricity... Lightning. I grinned at him. "No, who are YOU to stand up to ME?" I asked as I threw the electricity at him and it hit him! Not killing him but stunning him and his Warg for a good minute!

   Suddenly, I heard the caws of Eagles, I looked up and saw a pack of huge Eagles flying towards us. I looked and saw Dori and Ori on one. Thank God...

   The Eagles took out the Wargs and the Orcs and I looked and saw one pick up Thorin... I sighed of relief. The Eagles began to pick up everyone, Bilbo, and the Dwarves. I knew I had to go too. 

    I jumped off the cliff and I landed on one of the Eagles, they all began to fly one way... I looked around me, everyone was on Eagles... No one was dead. But, I had a bad feeling...

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now