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     Later that day, we came upon a broken house.

     "We'll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them." Thorin ordered.

     I hopped off Mae, I gave a slight smile to Fili as he walked away with Kili to do as his Uncle ordered. I walked over to Gandalf who was inside of the broken house.

    "A farmer and his family used to live here," Gandalf said.

     "What happened to them?" I asked.

     "I do not know, but, I fear the worse..." He answered.

     I looked around at this house, if it was destroyed recently, something large did it. But what large thing did it is the question? 

    "I think it would be wiser to move on." Gandalf ushered turning to Thorin who just walked up to us. "We could make for the Hidden Valley."

    "I have told you already, I will not go near that place." Thorin said stubbornly.

    "Why not? The Elves could help us; we could get food, rest, advice." Gandalf walked up to Thorin.

    "I do not need their advice," he turned to Gandalf.

    "We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us." He tried to convince Thorin. I do not understand...

    "Help? A Dragon attacks Erebor. What 'help' came from the Elves?" Thorin glared thinking about it. Oh, now I see. "Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls. The Elves looked on and did nothing." Thorin hissed. He walked closer to Gandalf. "And you ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather. Who betrayed my father." 

    "You are neither of them. And if Serena can do it you can too." Gandalf brought me up. I looked at him shocked. "Unless you forgot that your ancestors destroyed her ancestors. She forgave. And you can too." He told him.

    "Technically, she didn't forgive anything. She made peace for now." Thorin shot back.

    "I'm right here," I said and they both looked at me, "and I do believe that I did forgive you even I didn't say it. Holding onto the past does no good for anyone. You shouldn't hold onto it." I told him.

    "What do you know of what I went through in the past?" Thorin hissed looking at me.

    "I don't, your right. But every night I see flashbacks of my ancestors. They show me what yours did. I felt the fire like I was there. I felt my ancestor, the queen, die. And let's not forget, my whole family is dead. I am the last of it and I fear that I will be the last of the Fae until I die. Do not tell me that I do not know pain like that." I crossed my arms. 

   Thorin went silent as if he was letting what I said sink in.

   Gandalf gulped as he spoke up again, "I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past." he told him.

    "I did not know that they were yours to keep," Thorin hissed now putting his attention back to Gandalf.

    Gandalf sighed irritatedly as he walked out of the house, I looked at him then back to Thorin who avoided my gaze. I just shook my head as I followed Gandalf out of the house.

    "Everything alright?" Bilbo asked.

    "Gandalf, where are you going?" I asked.

    Gandalf kept walking towards his horse, "to seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense." he answered angrily.

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now