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    The Dwarves got up grabbed their swords, I pulled mine out and began to kill Goblins with it! Everyone started to fight! I sliced many heads off as some Goblins froze at the sight of my sword just like Elrond predicted. I just smirked as I killed the ones that did. 

   "Follow me, quick!" Gandalf ordered all of us.

   We followed Gandalf across a bridge, I do wonder if he knows where he's going because I sure don't... Suddenly a Goblin jumped down and grabbed Fili pushing him down to the next level!

   "FILI!" Kili yelled.

   "I'll get him, don't worry," I told Kili as I jumped down as well before Kili could argue with me, I'm not letting Fili die on me.

   I jumped down to where Fili was, he was pushed up against a rock while the Goblin approached him ready to kill him, his sword had fallen out of his hand... He tried to reach for his other weapons but couldn't!

   As the Goblin raised his blade to kill Fili, I jumped down and tapped its shoulder, the Goblin turned to me as I smirked at it and I sliced its head clean off! I kicked its body out of the way as I looked at Fili.

   "What are you going to do without me? It seems like you almost die everytime I'm gone." I told him smiling.

   Fili smiled as he walked up and grabbed me by the waist and suddenly kissed me, I didn't expect that and when he pulled away he just grinned at my reaction. "I just needed to do that once just in case we die tonight," he whispered. I smiled as I kissed him once more.

   Suddenly, Kili jumped down even though I told him to stay.

   "About time!" Kili said, pretty much confirming he saw the kiss. "We gotta move, come on. Make out time later." He urged us.

    I just rolled my eyes as the three of us ran up the stairs to go catch up with the others once again. 


    Fili, Kili, and I finally joined up with the others again, they were still on the run and so were we. As we ran, Gandalf seemed to be leading us somewhere, but, I'm not sure where. I noticed my arm was shaking, was it from me using one of my Fae abilities that I had never used before? Probably...

   Dwalin killed a Goblin in front of him when he noticed a line of Goblin's coming towards him... He huffed as he used his sword to cut through a wooden part and pulled up a wooden plank and he and a few other Dwarves like Fili, Bifur, and Gloin used it to take out the line of Goblins. 

   "Gandalf, do you know where we're going?" I asked as I killed two Goblins.

   He nodded as some more Goblins started to run towards me when Fili jumped in and stabbed two of them at the same time. I grinned as I sliced the last one's head off. He gave me a confident smile.

   "Come on, quickly!" Gandalf ordered again and we continued to follow him, killing Goblins as we went. 

   We went onto a moving platform that went to the other side, some of us jumped but others got stuck on it like I was on it too still. It went swinging back and some Goblins jumped on it as well. I put up my sword and the Goblins all froze. 

   "Kill them!" I ordered and Dwalin jumped up and killed them. I put the sword down. "Thanks." He just nodded at me.

    It swung to the other side again and we all got off, we started to run again, killing Goblins on the way again. 

    Then, Gandalf used his staff to break a boulder off of the rock and Dwalin started to push it with Thorin and the boulder took out a bunch of the Goblins!

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now