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     Fili, Kili, and I all started to count the ponies to see if we counted right and which ponies are missing while Bilbo waits. He still didn't fully understand how we lost two ponies.

     "Daisy and Bungo are missing," Kili finally exclaimed.

     "Well, that not good," Bilbo laughed nervously, "that is not good at all. Shouldn't we tell Thorin?" he asked.

     "Uh, no. Let's not worry him," Fili said obviously afraid his uncle would be mad or like he said kill him.

     "As our official burglar, we thought you might like to look into it," Kili told him.

     "Look, something big uprooted these trees," Bilbo pointed out.

     "That was our thinking," Fili nodded.

     Fili and I walked over, I pulled my hair behind my ear and I listened in, I heard some kind of big footsteps far away.

    "It's something very big and possibly quite dangerous." Bilbo said fearfully.

    I looked over and saw a light far away in the trees, 

     "There's a light," I told them.

     Fili looked and saw it too.

     "Over here," I ordered.

     We walked closer and Fili ordered us to get down, he grabbed my arm and pulled me down behind a log just in case. We watched the fire and heard laughing... That is now human laugh. That is a Troll laugh.

    "What is it?" Bilbo asked.

    "Trolls," Kili answered.

    And with that Fili, Kili, and I all jumped out from behind the log, I had my Fae blade at the ready because I knew this would end in a fight. Bilbo followed behind still carrying the bowls like Fili and Kili would eat at this moment.

    We got behind a tree, Kili and Fili behind one tree and me behind another, I saw Bilbo running towards us and I grabbed him and pulled him next to me. We looked at the trolls and saw that one had two more ponies. 

   "They got Murtle and Mendy!" Bilbo exclaimed quietly, he groaned a bit, "I think they're gonna eat them. We have to do something."

    Both Fili and Kili looked at Bilbo, I knew what they were thinking and it wasn't a good plan but I was the one that said Hobbit's are light on their feet and can be unseen.

    "Yes, you should," Kili nodded standing straight and pulling Bilbo over to Fili as he stood by me. "Mountain Trolls are slow and stupid, and you're so smart, they'll never see you. It's perfectly safe. We'll be right behind you." Kili explained.

    "I can't. I'm not. I..." Bilbo tried to argue.

    "I'll go with you," I told him.

    "What?" Fili and Kili asked at the same time.

     "I'm going with him," I said again.

     "If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl and once like a brown owl." Fili told him as he pushed him out into the open taking the bowls from him.

     I went to Bilbo, knowing he wasn't ready for this.

     "Twice like a barn owl. No, twice like a brown- Once like a... Are you sure this a good idea?" Bilbo asked turning to where Fili and Kili were but the were gone.

    "It's okay, we can do this," I told Bilbo, "you go up there and get the ponies out. I'll stay as your backup just in case something happens."

The Last Fae II The Hobbit IIWhere stories live. Discover now