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Ana's pov~ 

Everyone's Ideal lifestyle includes both parents, love, siblings, relative...but in reality, all those things are specs of miracles that I have dodged, me and my brother. 

I have tried my best to love my parent and do everything for them. I'd take unnecessary sacrifices for them, but what do they do? They ignore me, hurt me, and disappoint me. They use me to pay for shit things that they fucked up. With them, I feel empty, and used. I feel so vulnerable and cold. 

They would gamble and have sex with other people for money, but is the money for our family to be better? No. Its for their own satisfactions. They'd buy expensive clothes, but only for them. On my birthdays, I'd never receive gifts. 

In class, I'd watch parents surprise their kids wit presents and bring cupcakes... and it hurts. 

 As a child, I have always loved my parents and try to be the best child. Until later in my life when I learn that my parents, whom I love and adore, don't give two shits about me and my brother. They act like they have all rights over me and that I can't survive in the real world without them. 

Do they have eyes? I have been doing that. I lived paying for the house, I lived feeding myself, and I lived off of my capacities. I am responsible enough. Every time I try to do something for me, they disagree, saying that its a waste of time and that it's too much. They never support me in anything... so I'm done. 

Done with all their shits, they act like immature adults. They don't want to do things on their own, they lose money all the time and comes for more. I can't have this anymore, not when my brother's in the hospital. 

My poor brother, sick, and my parents don't even blink a tear, they won't even visit him for god's sake. 

Abandoning them might sound unloving, but what they have done to me is... unacceptable. They don't see me as their daughter...they never did. So why should I see them as parents... I'm only returning the favor. 


" I told you. I don't want you living by yourself!" My dad says angrily.

" Dad. You see me everyday going to college, then what? I go to work everyday after college, and  do you know why?" I closed my eyes, frustrated. 

"I want get away from you two." I calmly stated. 

" what?." My mom asked annoyed.

"  I want to live alone. I want my own life, my own responsibilities. I can handle my mess, but I can't handle yours" I said.

" We raised you all these years. We fed you, took you to school, cared-" I cut my dad off in anger. 

"raised me? cared for me?" I gritted my teeth in anger. 

I glared at them, who stood before me. 

"You know what, I'm tired of all this. I really am." I combed my hair back, feeling angered, triggered, and fucked up all at once. 

How dare they say they raised me, I practically raised myself after grandma died. 

" I'm tired of cleaning after you. Those money you use to by drugs everyday could've help buy Jimin's medicine! HE WOULD'VE BEEN OKAY IF WE HAD THE MONEY TO BUY HIS FUCKING MEDICINE!" I yelled in anger, tears sliding down my cheeks thinking about my brother. 

" Jimin is at the hospital still, and he is not getting any better, and the hospital bills... It's me,handling them! I work everyday for him. My own brother at the hospital... you guys are too irresponsible. Why the fuck did you have kids when you're fucked up in general huh?" I said turning around and walk to my room.

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