Part 21

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I rushed out of the gym, and off to my apartment. I ran to my car and drove off fast.

" oh shit oh shit oh shit.." I cussed at myself.

" why so stupid.!" I whined.

~ time skip~

" why are you late?"

I close my eyes, I don't want to see his face. It's scary. I had my head down and my hands in my lap.

" s-sorry sir." I bowed.

" I'm in not mad. I'm just asking why were you late?" He asked with a soft voice but I could still sense the tense in it.

" I-I was-"

" with me."

We shot our heads to the door and see a familiar figure there with his hands in his pockets.

" you were with your boyfriend?" My manager asked me.

" n-no he is not my boyfr-"

" I'm not her boyfriend......." I heard him say and I breathed out.

" I'm her husband." I choked on my saliva.

" oh-sh-ah." I coughed.

Jungkook walked to my side and glared at my manager.

" well, her you should know that she has work and can get fired if she is late again." My manager said calmly.

He put his arm around my shoulder making me flinch.

" don't you have a wife?" He asked.

" I do." My manager answers.

" then you know that feeling..... When you want to cuddle in bed all day right? And kiss and hug...." Jungkook smirked. 

" yah!" I yelled in a whisper as I hit his stomach.

I pulled his ear to my mouth.

" yah. Stop this nonsense or I'll break more than your nose." I whisper.

He looked at me and smiled.

" I'm just trying to help my wife." He smiles brightly.

I rolled my eyes and turn to my manager.

" sorry sir. It won't be happen again. Now will you excuse us." I said pulling Jungkook outside.

" yah. What was that for?" I asked. I mean, I like the way he called me his wife, but how he stood up to my manga get can get my ass fired.

" I'm just trying to help. Plus. You weren't talking much." He leaned cutely over to me so I won't be mad at him.

" shut up." I punched his arm.

" yah! That hurts!" He whined rubbing the spot I punched.

" anyways. How did you find me?" I asked.'

" I followed you." He simply said.

" how?"

He turned around and pointed at his bike.

" b-bike? I was going full speed tho. How did you catch up?" I asked.

" I don't know. I was looking at your car when I was peddling." He said shrugging.

I sighed and put my hand on my forehead.

Then he laughed.

" what?" I looked at him with a 'are you serious?' Look.

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