Part 22

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Ana's pov~
My legs were wrapped around his waist tightly.

He kissed down my neck slowly as I try to hard not to lose myself completely, but his touch is slowly making me lose my mind.

" j-jungko- " I gasp as me sucks on my soft part again.

" mmhm" I bit my lip to stop me from moaning.

He dig his head into my chest and kissed it all over.

Why is he suddenly acting like this?

He slowly moved backwards towards the bed, we were still kissing and his hands were all over my body.

He leaned down on his back as my body was over his. My legs tightly grip
on his waist as he grabs my ass again.

Us both breathing heavily, feeling each other's body heat. I feel lost. Why is he suddenly acting like this.

I was thinking when he flipped us over.
I lost it. My mind. My soul. Everything.
I kissed him back deeper, he moans lightly as my knee slightly touched his crotch.

 I kissed him back deeper, he moans lightly as my knee slightly touched his crotch

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He stood up and took off his shirt and came back into my warm chest. He kissed me once again, and the feeling of his lips on mine feels so good. I hugged his neck while his hips slowly grinds on me.

" ngh... Ah~" I moaned as he continued to slowly grind on me.

He started to get a little aggressive and    Try's to take off my bra from the back

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He started to get a little aggressive and    Try's to take off my bra from the back.

" Jungkook." I stopped his hands.

He stares into my eyes..... I miss his night stares. He breathes heavily as out breaths get tangled with each other. I see lust in his eyes, and confusion.

" jungkook, do you want this?" I asked as my eyes soften.

I stroke his hair lightly and push it back so I can see his full face.

He wasn't answering. He was just staring at me.

" I asked, do you want this Jungkook-ah." I said.

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