Part 6

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Jungkook's pov~

I smirk as I get closer to guy that she calls tae?
He was sleeping on the floor and had his arms above his head and legs on this other guy.

Think of how close Ana is with him bothers me and I just start to get angry. Both my hands grab his collar harshly as I pull him up and down to wake him and push him on the cold floor hardly.
I smirk as I see him groaning in pain, he touched his back and arms with closed eyes and I sent him a message through his dream.

~ in the dream~

" touch her again, and it will be the last thing you do" I smirk holding his neck tightly.

" w-who are y-you?! And what do you have with Ana?!" He choked under my hold.

My smirk grew wider and I push his neck away.

" I'm someone who owns her, she is mine! We have a bond that can never be broken" I smirk.

" y-you a-a-" he couldn't finish because I was choking him even harder this time.

" your nothing to her...." I came up close to his face to tell him that I'm serious about her.

" if you don't want to die. Leave her alone, you and your stupid friends" I said as I push him away once again.

He fell on the floor sliding away on his back.  I turn around to look at him again, I see his hands trembling before me. His face shows the expression I wanted from him.

~ back to reality~

I came out his dream and see him gasping for air as he woke up, his eyes  widen in horror as he remembers me. He looks around and shakily shook his friend next to him to wake up.

" hyung, hyung, wake up!" He said whispering to him.

" what!" The guys mumbled and turn around.

" hyung, I h-had a n-nightmare" he shook.

I smirk as I know he was the closest to Ana.

I was evilly smile as he was scared and petrified by my little message.
Then he suddenly stood up quickly and ran outside.
I brows frown as I know who he is going to.........Ana.....

I went in her room and saw him waking her up by shaking her shoulders as he sat on top of her.

Anger lit in my heart as I see the position. Did I not make my message clear enough? Ha, well sorry, I'll make it clearer.

" Ana! Wake up! I have to tell you something...." He said shaking her.

She groan and sat up. He got up and off of her as she did so.
He was breathing heavily and couldn't talk properly.

" tae? Are you ok? You look scared...." Ana held his arm.

He gripped on her forearms looks in her eyes searching for help.

" I had a b-bad d-dream...." His voice vibrated.

" really? About what?- ( gasps loudly) tae!!! Look at your neck!!!" She pointed at his neck in panic.

" I know! A guy in my dream told me to stay away from you, and he threatened me. He almost killed me." He cried.

He goes to her for a hug and she give is back.

" it's okay tae, it's okay, I'm here" she rubs his back as he calms down in her embrace.

Jealously struck my heart as I watch them hugging each other tightly on the bed.
It should be me....
With her....

Something in me finally clicked and next thing you know, I was next to them pulling him off of her harshly as he fell on the floor.

She was shocked to see him on the floor as she quickly ran down to help him.

I went in before her and had my hands around his neck hardly.

" I told you to leave her alone" I gritted my teeth in anger.

He was slowly running out of oxygen in my choke hold, I turn around to see ana backing up to her wall looking straight at me.

Can she see me?
My heart started to feel uneasy as I slowly let's go of his neck and look at her with sympathy.

As soon as I let his neck go, he started to breathe deeply for air as he holds his neck.

Suddenly the door flew open revealing his other friends shocked.

" what happen!-"

" GET OUT GUYS! TAKE TAE WITH YOU!" She screams at ten staring straight in my eyes.
I was too trapped in her orbs I didn't care if they got away, I wanted to explain.


" GET OUT!!!!! NOW!!!" She screams even louder this with tear staring in her eyes as she stares at me slowly backing up.

The boys hurriedly grab tae and ran out the house leave us alone.

I came towards her with my arm out. She backs up in fear, as tears run down her cheek.

" S-stay away!" She warned with her arms out in front of her chest.

" what -do you want from me!" She cries.

I continue to walk towards her and I stopped right were her hands were.

I guess, in so attached to her that she can see me.

" GET AWAY! " she cries as she fell on her knees.

I bent down to her eye level and slowly my hand comes up to her face.
She backs up her face until there wasn't anymore room for her to back up.

I softly wipe the tears that has fallen out of her eyes.

" I don't want to hurt you" I sadly said.

She looks at me, shaking she pushes past me and ran out the door.

I ran after her. I felt like she as the only life I had left.

" Ana!" I said as she keeps going.

" ANA!" I grabbed her shoulders just as she was about to reach the door.

I pulled her back in to my chest and wrapped my arms tightly around her arms.

" Just listen to me." I said

" Y-your a ghost! Get away!" She cried trying to free herself from my hold.

She pushed and she pulls as she hits me pretty hard too.

I've never seen someone beg and cry this much before, was I hurting her?

" do you know the feeling when you have no one by your side?" I softly said in her ear, hugging her comfortable.

" that feeling inside, disappeared when I saw you"

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