Part 30

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In this world there is nothing that can over come love.... If your passionate about something or someone, don't be afraid to act on it or show it. Your actions can get you to many things you want.... I learned that my fate was to be with him and him forever.

I saved his life and had a chance for him. Had a chance for us... Now look at where we are in life.... In reality people say that life will smack you in the face... Or it will ruin your goals.... But that's what we were afraid of.... Life....

So why not confront life.... See what it has to challenge...

Because me and him already traveled far enough to crush life in its ass.

And we looked good doing it too.

" babe."

" hmm.." I hummed on the sofa with my stomach against it.

" why did you come back for me?" He asked sitting down next to me...

I paused at his question.

" what do you mean?"

" why did you come back for me... When I was already dead?" He asked as I put my legs in his thighs.

" Because I love you."

" you weren't afraid?"

I shook my head.

" nope, not one bit." I smiled.

He leans towards my forehead and leans his against mine...

My legs moved and wrapped it around his torso, while his back was against the couch.

" you had just met me.... And I was a ghost haunting you....... "

" I didn't care.... When ever I looked at your eyes...... I see regret......." I looked in his eyes.

" you regret it, don't you...?" I asked in a husky tone.

He looks down and nodded.

" it's okay babe..." I hug his head into my chest.

" everyone deserves a second chance" I kiss his head....

            THE END.....

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