Part 3

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Ana's pov~
I opened my eyes as I yawned out loud. I stretched my arms and sat up.
I look at the time and it was already eight am.

" I'll be gone the whole day Jimin, because I gotta get our new apartment ready." I pat his head warmly.

" I'll be back." I said as I grab my bag and turn around to exit.
" Ana?" I hear a faint husky voice.
My eyes widen, my heart started to race as I quickly turn around.

" Jimin?" I said as I walk over to him.

" your awake?!" I smile as tears flow out my eyes.
I hugged him tightly in my arms as he hugged back.

" I was so afraid." I cried holding him.

" I was too" he said .

I pulled away and held his face in my hands.

" I'm so happy, you finally woke up." I smiled brightly.
His hand slowly came up to my face and wipe my tears.

" don't cry sis, I'm okay" he smiled.

" yes you are" I giggled.

So we both sat there hugging each other tightly, I mean who wouldn't miss there twin, if they were asleep for three months.

" Jimin."

" hmm?"

" we're not going to live with mom and dad no more" I said

" really? Why?" He asked.

" to be honest Jimin, do you like living with them?" I asked.

" to be honest, no" he said.

" yeah. So I found an apartment for us to live in." I smiled

" no way." He smiled

" yeah way."

" wah! Is it big?" He ask.

" yep, and I'm going to move out stuff out of our old house to our new apartment! And since the color of the apartment is already a cute color, we don't have to paint but I have to just go buy some furniture and stuff." I pat his head.

" okay, I can't wait to live with my only sis!" He squeak.

" I can't wait to live with my twin" I smiled brightly.

" now, get better!" I smiled.

" I'll have to go, see ya later" I smile as I pat his head again before getting up.

" see ya sis"

" see ya!" I said.

I drive to my parent's house and see the truck already there.

" hello! You can get my stuff from here" I said leading the guys to my room and Jimin's .

Luckily my parents aren't here right now because I don't want to deal with them right now.

~ after an hour of packing~

" thank you so much for getting my stuff, you can just leave it in my apartment." I smiled.

" you welcome" he smiled.

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