Part 28

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" what did you say?" I hear him walking up behind me. He slid his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. He hugged me warmly.

" that you'll do anything for me?" He repeats my words.

I nodded with confidence.

" come on let's do your work first." I dragged his hand to the coffee table and sat down.

He took out his pencil lazily.

He slumped his body on the table with his elbows on them. He looked at the math book and sighed.

He started to work and talk to himself with the equation. I sat next to him smiling at how smart he is. He is such an amazing guy. I'm glad to have met him.

" Ana."

" hmm?" I hummed hugging his waist.

" I don't know how to do this." He pointed at the equation.

I looked over it and smiled.

" well, the steps are long, but it's easy." I laughed. He sighed and rest his head on my shoulder.

" okay. Look. I'll show you." I say and he lifted his head up and watched...

After math, came English. After English, came chemistry, and after chemistry came history.....

" okay. So Jungkook. This one is-"
Stopped talking as I see a cute little bunny sleeping with his mouth slightly open. His head was lying on my shoulder as he watched how I figure out the hard ones, and he fell asleep.... His hand were holding on to my left arm and he had his head on my shoulder. Small snores could be heard....

" haha too tired..." I ruffle his hair.
He shift his head into my neck and groan as his body turned mine somehow and is sleeping chest to chest. His arms around my shoulder and his face at the crook of my neck.  

" Jungkook, Jungkook-ah." I shook him. 

" mmm." He groans.

" let's go to the bed room." I said as I pull him out of my shoulder. A smile appeared on my face as I see the half asleep baby looking man in my view. His hair sticking everywhere and his eyes were half open half closed.

" haha come on." I pulled his hand and he followed me like a lost chicken.

Once we got to our bed I gently put him on it and put the blankets over him. I went to out closet and grabbed my pjs. I stripped my clothes off and put on a silk robe.

I walked to the mirror to comb my hair and untie my hair. After that I went to the bathroom to shower. Just as I was about to close the door, I hear light whimpering.

Confused, I stood there listening. Then I notice it was Jungkook. I opened the door and rushed to him. He was crying in his sleep. He was all sweaty and his sweat in his forehead made is hair stuck on to it.

" Jungkook. Jungkook! Wake up! " I say as I stroke his head.

" Ana!" He opens his eyes and say up immediately. I sat next to him and he had his eyes widen....

" a-Ana." He cried...

I pulled him into a hug. He cried on my shoulder and I stroke his hair.

" shhh. Don't cry. What happened?" I softy ask him.

" y-you, y-you left me...." He cried even harder...
I felt his tears flow down my neck down to my robe making my left shoulder all wet.

" baby. Don't cry..... I'm right here." I hugged him tighter and he held me like I was the last thing he'd ever let go.

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