Part 27

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" what?" I tilted my head.

" I knew it already, I just needed him to man up and tell me." He cross his arms and shrug.

" when did you know?!" I asked.

" that night when Jungkook was in the kitchen crying your name.." He raised an eye brow at Jungkook.

Jungkook scratch his head nervously swallowing his saliva.

" so.. What have you guys been doing?" He asked glaring at the both of us, holing hand still.

Jungkook pulled me in front of him and hugged me from the back. I was shook, no I mean SHOOK!

" we made love." He said confidently but was Hiding behind me like a little kid.

My face started to turn red at his words. I glance over my shoulder and try to see his face while I fake an awkward smile to Jimin who was standing there still thinking.

" uh, what he meant a-was- a..." I said nervously.

" you to had sex?" He asked with both is brows jumping.

Jungkook popped out and nodded.

Jimin looks at me, then at him.....

" you guys........" He said slowly as he closed his eyes and put his hands on his hips.

Jungkook held my waist tighter and dug his face into the crook of my neck from the back.

"........ I'm expecting nephews and nieces.." Jimin smiled.

I choked on my own spit and almost slipped.

" w-what!?" I say and I feel Jungkook's grip on me soften.

He kissed my neck as I was confused.

" aren't you mad?" I asked.

" no. Why should I be mad? Your happy aren't you?" He smiled sweetly at me.

My brows soften as he said that....

" Jiminie..." I smiled as I came towards him with my arms extended out for a hug.

He hugs me and I pat his back.

" thanks bro" I said to his ear.

" as long as your happy, I'm happy." He ruffles my hair as he pulls away.

He turns to Jungkook and shook his hand.

" she's the only family I have. Take care of her well." He said and his grip becomes tighter.

" and if you make her cry...I'm going to make you regret so bad." He glares at him.

" I will." Jungkook says as he lets go of Jimin's hand.

" okay!" Jimin smiles.

" now that that's out of the way. I have to tell you something." Jimin said.

" what is it?" I asked.

" I'm also in a relationship." Jimin said shyly.

My expression explodes.!!

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