Part 4

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Ana's pov~
I gasp as I grip on the sides of the tub. My eyes shot open and the figure infront of me disappeared.

" was it all a dream?" I held my chest. I thought about it over and over again just to make sure I fell asleep and that was not real.

I looked in the water and check it..... So I was the only one in the bathroom.

" that was creepy" I shiver as i grab my towel.

I got out of the bathtub and put on my pjs. I went back to the bathroom to blow my hair dry.

I let my wet hair flow down and started to blow.
I suddenly felt that back pressure again around my back and waist..... Why does it feel somewhat comfortable...... But at the same time, cold. Just as I turn off the hair dryer, the pressure stopped.....

" huh, that's weird." I said before goosebumps climbed up my arms and legs.

I got out of the bathroom and head towards my bedroom, opening the door, I use a bit of force to close the door as I walk towards the bed, but...... The door didn't make any noise..... I stop in my steps and turn back around..... the door was stopped, like as if someone stopped it with their hands, because I know I use force on the way.

" what the hell?" I said as I open and close the door.

" Aish! Your thinking too much!" I hit my face once.

" ahh~" I sighed as I jump on my soft bed.

" don't think too much Ana, your thinking too much" I said to myself as I close my eyes tightly shut and cuddle with the warm blankets.

Jungkook's pov~

Her every move I was watching, and she was moving every where. It seems like she was fixing up the place, and she was somewhat happy doing it.

I follow her as she moves to the kitchen, then the living room.
She was setting the bookshelves as she smiled thinking about something, I got closer to her as I look into her beautiful brown eyes, I was so close to her, our nose could touch if I was to move a bit.
Her eyes are so absorbing, I feel like I could get trapped in her orbs forever.

Unknowingly my hand was reaching out to her rosey cheek........until she turned away, causing me to snap back into reality, I also bumped into the bookshelf causing a book to fall off, scaring both of us.

Startled, I jumped back as she turn around looking around.
She picked up the book, and scratched her head, then she put it back and went somewhere else.

I really want to ignore her and leave her alone, but I can't, I feel like I need to be with her. So, I continue to walk with her.

She went to the bathroom and started to put her stuff in the mini closet that was there. After she was done she went to my- I mean.... Our room and fixed up the bathroom there. ( that was his bedroom)

I followed her to the bathroom in our bedroom and she was finished.

She went back downstairs and sat down on the couch.
Her stomach growled and she talk to it as if it was a real person. She looks adorable.

She went into the kitchen and started to make something. She took out cucumbers and carrots and other stuff.
I guess she was making salad, and after she prepared it she sat down at the table eating it happily. I sat closely next to her as she ate happily.

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