Part 8

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Jungkook's pov~

I was at no words from her question. I didn't know how to tell it to her because it was just a feeling. I wanted to be with her.

" I-I don't know." I said looking down at the floor feeling mixed feelings.

" T-then why are you so-"

I looked at her dead in the eyes and sighed loudly.

" I just want you to stay, I'm not a bad person, I'm not going to haunt you, I just want the presence of someone around so I wouldn't feel so ghostlike. "
I say.

" oh." Was all that came out her mouth.

We sat in silence as I quietly move in my seat uncomfortably by the awkwardness.

" so."

" soooo"

I could tell she was searching for answers in my eyes as we both look at each other.

" sir?" She asked

" Jungkook." I said

" oh, Jungkook. I curious on my did you committed suicide?" She asked.

Ana's pov~

After I asked him that question and he look like he didn't know how to answer it.

" I-I don't remember......" He said looking intensively into thin air.

My hands couldn't stop shaking and I didn't know why, maybe it was the tension between us? Or the room? Or the fact that he is a spirit?

" oh." Was all I said.

" how long ago did you die?" I asked.

I know I should shut up and not speak, but questions were pouring down my mouth.

" three years ago" he said.

" oh." I said again.

Then there it was.... The awkward silence once again over powering us.

" I don't want you to think of me as a ghost" he suddenly say.

I turn my head confuse.

" huh?"

He look straight into my eyes and pleaded me.

" please don't think of me as the dead." He said with begging eyes.

" well, um- that's-( cough ) kinda hard" I said.

" please." He said again.

I hesitated to answer because I don't want to lie to him, and also I'm a horrible lier.

" I'll try, I have to get use to this." I sighed.

" just. Think of me as a friend" he said.

" friend?"

" yeah, or umm...... A roommate!" He said as his eyes widen and a smile put on his face.

" roommate. Huh, that's not so bad."  I said to him.

" yep, now that's settled" he said standing up. He walked over to me and put his hand out.

" roommates?" He smiled.

" roommates" I said back accepting his hand.


It was 4:27pm, and I was slowly getting use to seeing him around since this morning.

Sometimes he just pops out of nowhere and scares the living shits out of me, but that's what I get, he's my um- roommate now so I have to treat him like one.

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