Part 26

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I closed my eyes and slowly turn my heels....

I was met with a cold stare.

" h-hey" I smiled nervously.

" hi." He said with a deep voice that sends a shiver down my spine.

I looked at him head to toe, and it looked like he was gonna go to the bathroom. He was shirtless, and had his boxers on.

" bathroom?" I asked.

He nodded still not moving his deadly stare from me.

" mm" I nodded back and stepped beside him and walked towards the kitchen.

I looked back and saw that he was walking towards the bathroom. Was he mad? Psh! He's the one who wanted it.

I shook my head and walked into the kitchen.

I took out a cold drink from the fridge and was cautious of my surroundings, he might've set a trap or something...

I look around nervously with my heart jumping every 0.1 seconds.

I looked at the door for a while until....

" ANA!" I choked on my drink as I sprinted into the bathroom.

I busted open the door in panick.

" WHAT!? WHAT HAPPENED?" I said with wide eyes...

" I missed you." He smirks.

I sighed and rolled my eyes and stare at him awhile.... He was in the bathtub, but not fully.

" serious?" I asked.

He nodded.

I turn on my heels.
I face the way out and his words stopped me.

" are you gonna get in the easy way or you want me to use my way?" He used deep voice again.

My body froze at his words... Is he playing? Ugh... I turned towards him again. He had a can of soda on one hand and shoes still on. He eats a piece of chocolate as he stares at me sharply.

" get in

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" get in." He commands.

I rolled my eyes and turned away... I started walking towards the door when....

My body got slammed on the door with my chest against it. He held my arms behind me and pushed my head on the door with his.

" AH! That hurts!" I screamed.

" yeah, what you did earlier, hurts too." His husky voice hits me on my earlobe.

He licks my ear as I closed my eyes tightly. I tried so hard to think about something else, he was naked behind me, pushing his self against my ass.

" J-jungk-"

" what you did earlier... Can't seem to leave my head" he groans against my ear.

"L-let go." I whined.

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