Part 16

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After I fed him his food, I told him to go to sleep, and rest more, and he did.

I didn't do much. I just ran around the house fixing and cleaning a little.

Then I sat in the kitchen with an unanswered question in my heart....

What am I doing?

I'm in love with a ghost. I know I shouldn't, but he looks so lonely...... Whenever my eyes meets mine.... It pulls me in so deep, and I felt like I didn't want to get out.

He is in love with me too? My feelings... My body... My mind.... My everything, is all calling out to him.

" why didn't we meet earlier?" I asked myself.

I sighed loudly as I know this relationship of ours ,won't last.

I'm scared......

I don't want to leave him.....

I want to be by his side.....

Want to be his lover....

" want to be his everything" I sighed....

I looked down at my feet and wonder about my life.... What could've happened if he wasn't dead..... What would've happened if he would have more time..........

What if I had a chance? To fix everything and tell him that he is loved and cared for.....

But it's too late........

When I snapped out of my thoughts I was already in front of Jungkook. I stood in front of him, watching him sleep peacefully, with questions blowing in my mind.

Does he regret?
What made him do that to himself?
How painful was his life?
If I was there , would it have changed?

I sat next to him..... I stared at his perfectly good face, his eyes, nose, lips, everything is so perfect..... Only if I could turn back time........... I could've saved you........

I was too focused on my thoughts when I didn't realize he already opened his eyes.

" oh-"

He pulled me into his chests before I could say anything.
He push the warm blanket off of him and pulled it over us. His warm hand wrapped over my waist as he dig his face into my chest. His legs intertwined with mine as he move to get comfortable.

I softly stroke his hair......
Closing my eyes to feel his body hugging mine....
I want to feel everything before it goes away.....

" why were you staring at me like that?" He suddenly asked.

" I don't know." I answered.

" hmm" he hummed as he looked up to my face.

" what are you thinking?" He asked coming closer to my face .

My heart starts to beat faster and faster as his hand went up to my face.

" why are you crying?" He asked.

" huh?" I said wiping my face and turns out, I was crying...

" I don't know?" I said to him.

He looked deep in my eyes and sighed.

" too much stress." I said as I cuddle with him.

He hugs me in immediately.

" go to sleep." He said as his breath hits my ear.

" mmm" I hummed as I closed my eyes and let my problems and questions disappear.

~ in the dream~

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