Part 13

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I smirked while he had his hands already griping at my waist, my breath hitches as he softly pushes his waist up, purposely grinding it against my crotch.

I felt the huge erection in his pants... I was nervous...But do I want to give my virginity to a ghost? Who is not alive.... Whose not breathing......... Whose not with me.......

I looked in his eyes and had second thoughts.... What if he..... -

My mind was cut of at the sudden thrust he made.

" ah!" I moaned out shakily...

" j-Jungkook-"

" i don't like you..." He said and somewhat made me feel depressed, my expression changed and my heart felt like a thousand bullets have been shot through.

I started to have short and breathless breaths. I was going to push myself up with my knees until...
He pulls me down kissing me once again... But this time....

I didn't kiss back.

He ran his hands all over my body as I was still on top of him. He held the back of my neck so I wouldn't move.

Out of anger and frustration, I pushed his chest feeling hurt... I scoffed.

I throw him a glare as I crawl off of the bed. He was laying there.. How I felt him.

I turn my back to him and walked to the door feeling pissed.... But why?

I felt s tear drop down from my eye as I put my hand on the handle. This hurts.... But I can't blame him...

I opened the door a bit and a hand pushed the door closed again. Then my body was slam on to the door, chest first. My head was turned to the side, my heart racing so fast, and my tears falling non-stop.

He pressed his chest on my back as he wrapped his arms around my waist firmly.

He kissed my neck and my ear, until he rest his chin on my shoulder.

" L-LET G-GO YOU BASTARD!" I scream in anger as I struggle in his grip, tears dropping intensively....

" I don't like you..... Because...........................

I love you"

My heart stopped... My mind went blank..... My hands that was pushing in the doors stopped and dropped to the sides.

He slowly put the pressure off of me and smiled when I turned to him.

" I love you" he smiled.

At the moment... I just feel so.... Soo.....


I charged towards him and jump on him wrapping my arms around his neck as my legs were around his waist.

He fell back when he caught me in his arms. Luckily he landed on the bed.
He slowly smirkes and he saw that I liked him too, so then, he teased me.

" do you like me or hate me?" He asked

" I-I"

" the truth." He said serious.

" t-the truth is......." I paused and kissed his lips.

" I love you too" I smiled as he kisses me back.

We shared a passionate yet soft kiss at the moment and he snuck one of his hands in the back of my pants, feeling my ass.

" mmmmmnmn" I moaned biting my lips as he kiss my neck leaving purple and red marks everywhere.

I sat On his crotch as I ripped us apart.

" why did you wait so long to tell me that last part?" I asked hitting his chest.
But I'm not a girly girl, so.......... He coughed.

" wow. ( cough ) you-you hit h-hard" he coughed under me.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at him.

" bad girl." He smirks.

" how am I a bad girl?" I asked cutely.

" you punched me" he pout.

" and that makes me bad?" I smirk rubbing my hands on his chest.

" you-ah~" he moaned as I scooted on his crotch, purposely pressing harder.

He slowly shook under me as he shot me a glare.

" y-you" he smirks.

" wanna play hard" he finished his sentence licking his lips.

My heart suddenly jumped as he flipped us over and push his crotch on mine grinding on me hardly.

" j-Jungkook... Y-you- ah!" I screamed as he grips on my hand with his and thrust hardly on to me.

My legs weakens as he held them by his waist, he separated my legs even further and grind on me hardly. The bed shook slightly as he kiss and sucks on my chest.

He grinds on me faster and groans next to my ear as he slid his hand in my back pushing my butt against his crotch even more.

" I-I'm c-cumming" I say as I close my eyes tightly.

He grinds on me a bit faster and it started to slow down which annoyed me..

" faster.." I say softly in his ear as he relax on top of me. He lays on top of me.

" what are you doing?!" I say annoyed and hott. I was turned on and horny for no reason, also he had to stop when I was going to reach my climax.

" needy much" he said with a little tone of sass.

I didn't answer him ....

He didn't hear my voice and looked up to see if I was mad.

" are you mad?" He asked as his finger skim past back and forth on my chin.

Still no answer.

" I stopped because I wanted to do it ..............with out pants off." He kissed my lips again.

I didn't care to be mad anymore as his soft lips met mine. I felt like I wanted him more than anything.

I kissed him hungrily as I felt his hand on the end of my shirt.
He pulled away to take off my shirt as he quickly took off his shirt too.

" I want you so badly" he kisses my lips again.

" me too." I flipped us over.

I went down lower to his pants and took it off sexily while he closed his eyes and faces the ceiling breathing hardly.

I took his pants off and see him in only underwear makes me want him even more.
His boner was huge! I mean is this even real? He-he is so- somethin else.

" scared?" He asked.

To be honest I was scared for my life, a thing that big? My life is in danger.

" don't worry" he slowly takes my pants off.

He push me on the bed as he stares at me like I was food he hadn't eat in years.

" I'll be gentle."

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