Part 24

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" s-save you" tears starts to form in my eyes. Does he remember? Or is he messing with me.

" I love you." He hugged me tighter.

" I love you so much." He kissed me.

I broke the kiss by pushing his chest a bit, but I was still in his arms.

" Jungkook? Do you remember?" I asked.

" everything." He replied as a tear escapes the corner of my eye.

" I'm sorry." He hugged me tightly.

I quietly cried on his shoulder until he pulled away.

" when did you remember?" I asked.

He kissed my lips again and a tiny smirk showed on his face.

" when we were making love."

~ flash back~

Jungkook's pov~

I sat on the floor against the counter as I have tears running down my face.

" why am I like this?" I held my trembling hands into my chest.

Then just for a second a scene popped in my head. It was........ Her....
I saw that...
She had tears running down her face as I realized I was hugging her from the back.

" don't leave me. Please." I heard myself say.

And that was it.....

Why do I feel attached to her?

Then a another scene came up. It was her again. I had my head on her lap, while she was touching my hair, slowly massaging it.

I clenched my head in pain as another scene strikes my head.
She was sitting on my lap, facing me, feeding me soup. She smiled and laughed as she seemed to like my sleepy face.

I opened my eyes and held my chest. What the hell? I did all of this with her?
No way. But it could explain the connection. It could explain the...........

" love I feel for her..." I say slowly as it hit me.

I felt something weird.... And another scene popped into my head. I closed my eyes and tried to remember.

It was me.... On my bed..... There was a rope in front of me. I held the rope as I got my head in it. Then I hear myself saying something.

" this world is just too cruel"

I shot my eyes open as realization hits me.

" I-I died?" I said looking at my hands.

" what the? How?" I asked.

Then an image came in to my mind........ 

It was her .......

" I'll never leave you, I promise." She smile caressing my head while she hugs me tightly in her arms.

A tear escapes my mind and I remembered..... S-she stayed with me when I was spirit. She never left me. That's why she is here now, with me. But I ditched her.....

I heard the door swing open, and the lights being turned on, which blinded me for a second. I saw her figure walk to the fridge only wearing a oversized white t shirt and the same underwear from before. She looked tired and her eyes were puffy and slightly red. I felt bad, horrible! I wanted to be with her. I wanted to comfort her.

As soon as I saw her my body was calling her.... My heart was calling her. I-I love her, I really do!

She got a glass of water and stood against the counter with her stomach against the sides of it.

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