Part 20

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" I-I don't know" I rubbed my head giggling nervously.

Then it went silent again.

" I don't understand." I heard him.

" understand what?" I asked

He thought for a while and shook his head.

" never mind"

" DUDE! You got me curious!!" I hit his arm.

" that."

" that what?"

" how are you so comfortable with me. Even though we just met two days ago?" He asked

Now I was the one not answering....

" answer me." He said.
He looked at me and his gazed changed into a dark one... Shaking my heart he comes closer.

" w-what?" I asked.

He leans in smirks.

" why did you give in your trust so easily?" He smirked and licked his lips.

I went silent. I was totally shocked with how he was acting right now. The thing that's weird is that I kinda like it.

" I maybe your neighbor but that doesn't mean I'm not dangerous." He smirks

He climbed on top of me and held my hands down tightly next to my face, as he straddle my waist.

" what if-"

" I know you won't hurt me........." I said staring into his eyes.

He paused over me, his lips were 3 inches away from mine.. I could feel his hot breath over my mouth, and his scent is destroying all of my brain cells.

" but..... I know you will hurt yourself." I said.

His eyes widen at my words. So it must be true... He must be thinking about it these days. He got off and sat on the side saving the other way, while I get up and face his back.

" don't get hurt Jungkook-ah, remember, you have people who loves and cares about you." I say as I felt  tears building in my eyes.

" w-who would that be?" He asked not even looking at me.

" me. I care about you." I said with one hand on his shoulder.

He turns around to face me.

" why are you crying?" He asks.

" I'm not." I defended.

" then what are those? Rain drops?" He asked smiling lightly.

" I guess so." I smiled sadly.

He looked at the clock and notice it was around 11pm.

" I should go." He said standing up.

" it's getting late." He said holding my shoulder.

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