Part 19

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Ana's pov~

I was doing my laundry and waiting until the room.
It was currently 5pm and my clothes are still in the drier.
There was music playing from a speaker on the ceiling. And I was listening to the music while I had my eyes closed, nodding slowly to the beat.
Its currently playing
'Eat' by Zion.

I softly sang along with the lyrics as it goes.

Then it turned off half way through out the song.

I wrinkled my eye on confusion on my it turned off.

" sorry this building is now on a power out please stay in your apartments for safely and please be careful, that is all" The speaker said.

I opened my eyes to be meet with complete darkness.

" ah. It had to go out now huh?" I mumbled to my self as i stood up.

I slowly make my way to the drier and took out my clothes.

I took out my phone and turn on the flashlight. I carried my clothes in a casket and started walking to my apartment.

I walked up the stairs since the elevator is not working. Then when finally! I reached my door and was about to take out the keys, when I felt a hand touch my shoulder.

" ah!" I jumped a bit and turned around turning my flashlight to the person.

" oh. It's only you." I say as I relaxed.

" u-um the p-power had seem to turn off" he says with his head down, his bangs were blocking his eyes.. I couldn't see.

" yeah. Why are you scared?" I asked worried by his form.

He was silent.

All we could hear was the aggressive wind outside and trees moving against the building. Also the strong strom that seemed to be happening too, plus the rain.

He slowly nods.

" ahah dummy should've just said so. It's normal for people to be scared of storms." I giggled. I slipped my hand in to his and he flinched at the sudden skin ship.

" come inside. You can hang with me until the storm dies down." I say as I open my door pulling him in.

He went in and sat down at my sofa while I put my clothes away.

I put on comfortable clothes and tied my hair up in a messy bun.

I walked to the living room and see Jungkook sitting there with his hands in his lap and head down

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I walked to the living room and see Jungkook sitting there with his hands in his lap and head down.

" Jungkook? Why are you acting like that?" I say as I come towards him.
I sat next to him and pat his back.

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