Part 23

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my feet stuttered when his warm body was pressed on my chest. His scent hits my nose once again.

" I really want this." He breathes as he held my thighs up on to his waist again.

I look in his eyes and he was sincere.... I can't stop him either, because i want this myself.

" Jungkook." I smiled bitterly.

" I can't believe this." I smiled.

He lifted his head up and looked at me. 

" believe what?"

" that you are still like this." I laughed.

" huh-mmm" I kissed him. 

He kissed back almost immediately. His hand traveled to my back and grabs my ass.

I lifted my head up from the kiss and he attacked my neck with his tiny kissed and he sucks on my soft spot again earning a moan from me.

He giggled and bit my neck. It felt good, it didn't hurt.

" Jungkook~ ah~ " I closed my eyes as I held his head near my chest.

" let's continue this on the bed." He smirks.

I giggled a bit as he ran towards the bed...

He threw me on the bed and climbed over me. He bent down lower on to my chest he ripped my shirt and started sucking on my chest.

One of his hand is slowly massaging my left boob as he sucks on the other one.
I arch my back as he slowly starts to grind on me.
Then he shoved his head into the crook of my neck.

He groaned and moaned as my hand travels to his hard boner. I rubbed it through the Jean fabric that he had on.

" a-Ana." He groans.

I flipped us over and start taking back off his pants. I crawled back on top of him and kissed his while grinding my crotch on his.

He held my hips down to his boner and buckled his hips toward mine. I lifted my head up feeling all these sensation....

I closed my eyes while he thrust hardly up while holding my hips down.

I moaned feeling his erection growing through his pants.

He flipped us over in a rush and took off my underwear with his teeth. He went up to my womanhood and licked my clit teasing me.

" mmhmm." I moaned arching my back.

I grabbed his hair while his tongue did magic.

I started moving my hips toward his mouth, it felt so good, I want more.

" impatient little bunny." He smirks.
I felt him enter me with his tongue.

" oh! Ah~" I moaned.

My legs went weak with what he was doing down there.

He continued to eat me out as I felt something building up in my stomach.

" I-I'm cumming...!" I closed my eyes and bite my lip.

That's when he took out his tongue earning a glare from me.

He crawled up to me and licked his lips sexily over me.

" you taste amazing babe." He says and all of a sudden the moments of him calling babe, struck my mind and a tear escapes my eyes.

" why are you crying?" His eyes soften over me.

" did I do something wrong?" He asked worried.

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