Part 25

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I woke up early and got off the bed without Jungkook knowing, OFCOURSE he is dead-asleep.

I walked to the kitchen and noticed Jimin left a note saying that he left early. I opened the fridge and took out some vegetables and meat to make some breakfast.

I boiled the noodles while I was chopping up the vegetables. I was thinking of him and his touch. I'm so happy that he finally remembers me.

I'm glad that I made the right choice.

" babe" I heard at the edge of my ear.

" O MY GASH" I held my chest.

" you scared me half to death!" I punched his arm.

" ouch! That hurts!" He rubs his arm.

" who told you to scare me like that, I could've hurt myself." I said scolding him.

He looks at me but continues to rub his arm.

" are you one m-punch man or what?"

" I'm Wonder Woman! Have a problem!" I yelled a bit and turned to chop the veggies again.

I hear him scratching his head followed with a cough.

" baby.." He cooed.

No answer from me.

" baby boo" he embraces my back with his warm chest.

" I'm sorry babe, I won't do it again." He put his chin on my shoulder and buried his face into the crook of my neck, while his arms tighten.

Still no answer.

" I'm very sor-"

I turned around and kissed him on the lips powerfully, which took him by surprise, I couldn't hide that smile I had in me for long.

Whenever he apologize it feels weird and he looks so cute doing it.....

He grabs my waist and pushed me on against him as he slowly grinds on me suddenly attacking my neck with his kisses.

" mmm" I closed my eyes as I pushed him a bit back.

" that was hard...." He mumbled pouting a bit.

" mm? What was hard?"

" that delicious kiss of yours." He smirked as I see tiny blood stain on his lip.

I smiled a bit.

" are you okay?" I softly say as I caress his cheeks with my hands.

" mm, I'm fine" he lightly smiles back as he licks his lips.

" can I get one more?" He asked

" one what?" I asked teasing him by biting my bottom lip, which he was looking at the whole time.

" t-those lips ...." He leans forward...

My head suddenly turns away from him, usually I tease him, but this time is different.

" I have to go to work!" I say as I push him out of the way and I rushed off to find my clothes.

He frowns and follows me quietly as he cuss under his breath.

I was running back and forth in my room looking for my pants.

" where's my work pants!?" I screamed in a rush.

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