Part 11

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I was holding him tightly in my arms as he hugs me back tighter.

His cold tears fell on my shoulders and his sobbing could be heard.

His crying face dug in my neck as he breathes short.

( imagine~)

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( imagine~)

My heart ache in so many ways... I felt so many emotions flowing out of me.

I didn't know what to do..... And he keeps on crying in my shoulder. I don't mind that he is letting his emotions out, but he didn't do anything.....

" Jungkook-ah. Look at me...." I pulled away but his hands were still around my waist.

" don't cry.... It makes me......... Feel sorry for you..." I said.

He slowly nods as he removes his arms away from me.

" we are roommates and if you need someone to talk to.... Just talk to me, you don't have to keep it to yourself." I say softly to him.

He nods once again.

" I'm tired.... Thanks for comforting me..." He lightly smiles and he walked upstairs.

Poor dude... He probably will become a bad spirit if this keeps up. I don't want him to be like that.

I want him to rest in peace....

How did he die?
..... He doesn't remember.........

Me and my usual self was I curious in his past. So I went to him.

I walked upstairs to my room and see him laying peacefully on my bed with his arms resting beside his sides, and his calm breathing, the hair blocking his eyes a little.....

I slowly walked over to him and as slow as I can, I climb next to him. I sat crossing my legs next to him, while he just sleeps...

I felt like a creep watching him like this but I didn't want to wake him up.....
Especially after what happened.

I stared at his pale face for a while admiring his beautiful face structures....
He really is handsome. I don't get how a person like him can kill himself like that... I bet he was popular with the ladies too.

" staring is rude you know." He says huskily...

I jump on my spot as I hear his deep voice... He still had his eyes closed...

I bent over him a little to see if he is really awake or just sleep talking...
He suddenly opened his eyes when I was legit two inches away from his face.

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