Part 9

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It was getting kinda late so I decided to go see Jimin for a short moment. Before I went, I make sure to tell Jungkook, because he will be worried.

I was in my car currently driving to the hospital, and I couldn't get the fact that I'm living with a ghost out of my head. Why am I not terrified by him? Why does he need me? UGH! So frustrating, what am I gonna tell Jimin.
Well. I'm not going to tell him, because he won't believe me anyways.

I stopped at a red light and ruffled my hair.

" Aish, I'm going crazy!" I gritted my teeth.

" is it because of me?" I felt a cold wind pass my back.

I quickly turn to my side to see a pair of confuse brown eyes staring back at me.

" YAH! AAH! You-you scared me!" I said hiting his arm repeatedly.

" ah! Yah-sto-..okay okay sorry!" He said with his hands up in the air.

" HOW DID YOU GET HERE!" I said loudly in the car.

" I followed you" he said plainly.

" why!?"

" I don't know. I just wanted to come. Plus it's the first time I got out of that apartment." He smiled.

" how can you just follow me like that?" I asked.

" because. I'm attached to you." He said the last part quietly, but too bad! I still hear it.

" so if your attached, you can go out?" I asked.

" yeah, but I always have to be next to you." He said starring at the road.

" why?"

" because I'm attached to you!" He said.

" oh-yeah huh." I said scratching my head.

" why you going to the hospital?" He asked.

" my brother" I said.

" oh...." He mouthed.

After a little while we arrived at the hospital.
I went to the back of my car and took out some flowers and some extra clothes.

" hey does your brother look like you?" He asked coming closely to me.

" uh. Yes. He's my twin, we are suppose to look alike." I said.

" oh" was all he said.

Then I went into the hospital to Jimin's room.

I slowly slide the door open incase he was sleeping, and he was.

I slowly walk into the room and set the stuff down.
I felt wind pass my side as I get goosebumps.
I turn around to see Jungkook up close to Jimin's face, looking at him cautiously.

" Jungkook. What are you doing!" I yelled whisper.

" he does look like you" he smiles and points at Jimin.

He looks so cute smiling. If he was still alive, I'd be all over him. Haha.

I signal him to come over to my side, and he did.

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