Part 2

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Ana's pov~

" s-someone committed s-suicide here?!" I asked shocked and frighten as  I quickly grab my bag tighter.

" yes." He said.

" oh..." I said looking around.

" well, do you still want to look around the apartment? It's very nice." He said smiling.

" um- yes I would like to actually." I said with many thoughts in my head.

' nothing can happen right? There is no such thing as ghost. NO SUCH THING AS GHOST.' I think to my self as we enter the cold room.

As I enter the room, I was awed at the sight! It was beautiful! I mean for a low price this place was amazing! It's huge and enough for me and Jimin! It was perfect and definitely changing my mind after the scary accident.

" This place is amazing!" I smiled and looked around the place

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" This place is amazing!" I smiled and looked around the place.

" you like it?" He asked

" I don't like it! I love it!" I smiled

" then it's all yours, usually people would just want to go back and don't even look at the room but now that you have, I'm glad you like the place" he smiled.

" wow! This place is amazing thank you" I bowed to him.

" my pleasure, um when are you going to move in?" He ask.

" can I start putting things in tomorrow?" I asked.

" Yes! Of course! I can call my people and they can pick up your stuff at.....?"

" 12pm" I said

" okay 12 pm they will come to pick up your stuff, just send me your address" he said

" okay! Thank you" I bow to him once more as he exits.

He smiled back and left.

I immediately ran around the place looking at the rooms!

" ahhhhhh! This place is amazing!!!!!" I smiled so widely my face can rip.

" wah!!!! This kitchen looks so beautiful" I ran into the kitchen and sit on the dining table.

" I can't wait to move in!" I squealed happily wiggling my feet.

Jungkook's pov~

I was at the balcony until I feel like someone was in the hallways. I hear two people talking..... Talking about my apartment!?

Someone wants to move in?! Anger struck my mind as I rush to the door.
As I arrive in front of the door, it opened and my eyes was greeted by a girl.

She had brown long hair to her waist, and her eyes had light make up on. Her lashes were long, and her lips were plumped and pink.
She had a crop white top on and some light blue rip jeans.

Her eyes widen as she sees the place.

Something hit me.
She can't live here.
This is my place!

I look at her again and she suddenly turn around with her back faced me.
She started talking to the owner about how amazing the place was.
The after a couple minutes of talking she mentioned about moving in tomorrow?


I look at her angrily and bit my low lips to help calm down.

Later, the owner left and I was alone with her.

She looked around and ran around the place screaming happily.

I walked around following her with my arms across my chest. I huffed angrily as I try to figure out a way to get her out of my apartment.

She suddenly ran into the kitchen and say something out loud and sat down in the dining table. She laid her head down on the table and smiled brightly.

I went in front of her and stare at her face as she smiles and close her eyes.

Without the annoying little squeaks she makes, she kinda cute.

Nononononono, I can't! I can't! I can't!

I walked away from her as I try to get my mind straight.

I went to my bed as I cover my ears with my hands. 

Ana's pov~

" ahh~ I can't wait to tell Jimin" I smiled as I get up from the table.

I grab my purse and head out to the hospital.

As I arrive in the lobby the manager gave me two keys to the apartment.

" thank you" I smiled as I exit the lobby.

I went in my car and started to drive towards the hospital.

My smile drop as I enter his room.
I put my bag on the table as I sat next to him as he laid there like a dead person not moving an inch.

" jimin-ah~ I'm here bro" I smiled sadly as tears start to form in my eyes.
I held his hand tightly into mine as I feel the coldness spread to my hands.

" wake up now, so you can come with me to out new apartment." I said quietly.

I sighed loudly as tears fall unknowingly.

" I'm sorry your like this. I'm so sorry" I said as I put my head down.

I sniffed and cried until I feel numb inside.
" I'm sorry your like this bro, it's all my fault" I said choking on my tears.

I reached out to his forehead as I brush some of his bangs away from his eyes. I rest my palm on his cold cheek as I held his hand even tighter.

" Jimin, I-i left home." I said.

" a-and don't worry. I've got us an amazing apartment. So hurry up and wake up so we can live together." I smiled sadly.

I brush his soft hair with my hand.

" open your eyes buddy" I squeaked out with tears running down my face.

The door suddenly opened and in came the doctor.

I quickly wipe my tears as I stand up and now to him.

" ah! Ana. Your here. Are you going to stay the night?" He asked as he check on Jimin.

" yeah." I said.

" okay, I will give you a bed set, I'll be right back" he said as he change the water in the bag that was attached to Jimin.

He left and brought back some blankets and pillow.

" thank you" I smiled as he left.

I set them up on the couch next to Jimin and laid down.

" your going to get better jimin, and I'll be there when you first open your eyes baby brother" I said before I close my eyes and sleep.

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