Part 12

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I-i didn't know what to do... And it was already awkward... So.... I just wrapped my left arm around his head while my right is on his shoulder.

He snuggles more into me...

" I thought you can't feel the cold?" I said playing with his hair.

" I can't feel the cold, I can can be cold" he says still closing his eyes.

I just nodded my head and continue with what I was doing, playing with his hair.

I think I was playing around too much. Because when I pull away his hair got caught on my finger and I accidentally pulled his hair and woke him up.

He glared at me..

" yah. My finger got caught." I smile sweating through my shirt, I swear his glare is giving me chills.

" sorry" I mumbled while he lays his head back down on my thigh, facing towards me.

I removed my hand from his head and set them besides me for a while until I felt his cold fingers on mine.

" wha-"

" hug me" he cutted me off.

In the position he was in.... I didn't want to hug him like that. That means I have to bend down and hug him. It won't be comfortable for me .

" Jungkook."

" hmm"

" you keep on telling me to hug you, but your in a really hard position to be hugged right now." I said with my hands on my lap.

" then......." He sat up.

" how about this." He pushes me down backwards causing me to almost pull his hair again.
My head was set gently on my fluffy pillow and he slides in behind me.
He wraps his arms around me and press his face into the crook of my neck. He was breathing softly on it as it calms my heart beat down.

It was almost night too and I needed to take a shower to calm my self down

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It was almost night too and I needed to take a shower to calm my self down. All this skin ship is making me crazy! And I don't know if I could hold myself back if he continues....

" j-Jungkook" I say turning my head to see him.

As I turn, his lips touch the corner of my mouth. I bit my bottom lips as I felt his soft yet cold breath skimming over my lips.

" j-Jungkook" I says a bit loud.

" hmm" he hums tiredly.

" I need to take a shower." I say with a shaky tone.

" mmm" he hums again and releases me.

I turn and roll off the bed as I held my lips. I quickly grab my towel, and a pair of pjs as I walk to the bathroom.

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