6. Finally

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Alicia’s POV

I stopped in my tracks. I couldn’t move. I just stood there, hardly believing the sight before me.I had to rub my eyes several times, but everytime I took my hands away, he was still there. Harry was there. Right in front of me. I felt my heart, which had been silent and still for so long, actually tremble.

I guess I stared at him for too long, because he finally turned in my direction and saw me. He stopped in his tracks too, looking right at me. We stood there, looking at each other from the opposite sides of the road. I felt my face burn bright red as he began to walk towards me. I began to freak out.

Not knowing what else to do, I turned away from him and ran. I was shaking my head in disbelief as I was running. He recognised me. I could feel it. But now I was afraid. He may have recognised me, but did he remember me? What should I have done? Run toward him instead of the opposite way and jump right in his arms? Maybe?

I was relieved when I saw a park a few meters away. I didn’t stop until I found a sturdy tree, right in the middle of the park. As I rested against the tree, catching my breath, that’s when it hit me. Why did I run away from him? Wasn’t seeing him what I’ve wanted all this time? Shit, I should’ve stayed. Alicia, you fucking idiot. I started to swear and cuss to myself, but then I heard it.


Harry’s deep voice behind me.  

I inhaled sharply. Slowly, I turned around, bracing myself for what I would see. I saw then what I didn’t see from across the road. More detail.

The front of his hair was brushed upwards, away from his eyes, which were as captivatingly green as I remembered. I could hear him panting slightly-obviously because he was tired from running after me. His arms were crossed, and his head was tilted ever so slightly to the side. He looked so different. So different from that boy I left 6 years ago. He used to look like one of those cute boys next door. Now he looked like one of those drop-dead gorgeous bad boys from the movies.

And believe me, he was drop-dead gorgeous.

“Harry.” I said quietly.

My heart began to shake as I said his name, as if it was fighting at its strongest to break out of its stone protection that kept me cold and bitter for so long.

An awkward silence began to linger, so I decided to open my mouth to say something, but I was taken by shock as he suddenly picked me up and spun me around, speaking various things so fast and so excitedly, I didn’t understand anything.

Then that was it. My heart broke free and was beating like a drum. And then I heard a strange, feminine sound. I suddenly realised that it was me laughing. I was laughing. Just the fact that it had been 6 years since the last time I actually let out a real laugh just made me laugh even more.

When Harry finally put me down, he wrapped me into one of the tightest hugs I’d ever felt. I hugged him back, possibly even tighter than he was hugging me. We both started speaking at once, and we both ended up saying “I missed you” at the same time, and we both burst out laughing.

“Alicia Rose Natalie McKay,” He said, looking at me bewilderedly. “I can’t believe it’s really you.”

I couldn’t believe he still remembered my full name. Four names with 3 of them having more than one syllable were a shitload to remember for 6 years!

“I can’t believe it’s you either, or that you remembered all four of my names.” I replied.

He chuckled. Then he gave me one of those famous smiles that showed off his dimples.

“Alicia-you’re crying.”

“What?!?” I touched my eyes. I felt that they were wet with tears. “Wow, I didn’t even notice!”

I laughed as a tear ran down my face. He gently brushed it away with his thumb. Then he looked me up and down. He raised an eyebrow.

“What’s up with all this black? Have you gone Goth on me?”

I sniffed as I wiped my eye with a smile. I opened my mouth to answer, but then he held up a hand to stop me.

“Wait-don’t say anything. I remember this. You always made the colours of your clothes match your mood.”

I smiled at him. “Well done.” I couldn’t believe he remembered that too.

“So, why the black, huh?” He flicked the bottom of my leather jacket. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing-now that I’ve found you again.”

“Oh, so the black was because of me?” He smiled. “Aw, Alicia. Did you miss me that much?”

I gave him a sly smile back. “Yeah.”

“Hell, I’ve missed you too. More than anything.”

“Wow. I’m still surprised that you even remembered me, let alone missed me.”

“Me? Not remember someone I’ve known since I was 5? God, what kind of friend would I be?”

“You’ve known me since you were 5?” My mind went blank for a moment.

He raised his eyebrow again. “And you accused me of forgetting.”

I laughed. “Sorry-I’m just…bewildered right now. My mind’s not working properly. I actually thought I would never see you again.”

“Me too. If the News camera didn’t catch you in the background, I would still be at home, moping around as I usually do.”

My eyes widened. “I was on TV? On the News?!?”

“Only for about one second, but it was long enough to make me run all the way into town, even though I had a working car, just to find you.”

My eyes widened even more. “Really? That’s so sweet.”

“Just goes to show how much I missed you. Oh wait! I almost forgot…” He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled something out. “I still have this. Do you want it back now?”

He opened his palm to reveal my old pink flower clip. I gasped. My fingers hovered over it for a while before I gently touched one of the flower’s petals.

“Oh my God…you…you kept it.”


I shook my head. “Keep it. When I gave it to you, I meant it. It’s yours, whether you like it or not.”

He smiled. “I was actually hoping you’d say that. I use it as my good luck charm. I make sure it’s in my pocket everytime I start a concert with the boys.”

I looked at him, surprised. “Really?”

He looked amused. “That’s the second time you’ve said ‘really’, and it hasn’t even been 10 minutes since the last time you said it.”


“Third.” He let out a chuckle.

“Shut up.” I said, also chuckling myself.

“Anyway…” He put my clip back in his pocket. “I’m dying to catch up. Will you have pity on me and let me shout you for lunch?”

“Luckily for you, I’m dying to catch up too. But I’ve got no cash on me.”

“Did you not hear the last part of my question? ‘Let me shout you for lunch’?”

“Oh. Oops.”

“Will you or not?”

“Well, I got nothing to do. What about you?”

“Obviously not.”

A little girl giggle made itself escape from my mouth (much to my embarrassment).

“Well, the guy who’s been my best friend since I was 4 is offering some catch-up time over lunch. How could I refuse?”

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