36. Tracking

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A/N: OMFG I'm such a bitch I just realised I haven't said thank you for letting this hit 1,000 reads!! I was seriously so stoked when I saw those four digits :D :D

Next chapter is up! It's long so I hope you feel like reading! Thanks again!! Happy Birthday to The Man in Black-Liam Payno!!! xD

Harry’s POV

I was lying flat on my back in bed, listening to When I Need You by Rod Stewart (Lyric vid on side >>) at full blast through my earphones. I picked up my phone and checked to see if Alicia liked or replied to my Instagram post.

She didn’t.

I pretty much expected that anyway. For four years, I’ve been trying to find her. I even called her mother to ask if she came home. She hadn’t. In fact, Mrs McKay doesn’t even know where any of her daughters are anymore.


I waited patiently for the phone to ring, crossing my fingers tightly and biting my lip. Why wasn’t anyone answering?

“Hello?” I heard Mrs McKay say finally.

Thank you.

“Hi, Mrs McKay.” I said nervously.

“Harry? What a nice surprise. Why are you calling?”

“Do you know…” I gulped. “…has Alicia gone back to California? To live with you?”

“No. She hasn’t.” I heard her gasp. “Oh God. Harry, what happened?”

“She left.” I said quietly.


“She left a note…saying she had to leave. But she didn’t say why.”

“Oh no…” I heard her voice breaking. She was about to cry.

“Would…” I gathered all my courage to ask this question. “Would Fiona know?”

“I can’t say. Harry, she’s left too.”

My eyes widened. “What?!”

“She ran away one night with what’s-his-name. That blonde boy, Tristan.”

“What? But I thought they broke up?”

“Well, they kissed and made up, obviously.”

“So you’re all alone?!”

“No. I’ve invited my parents to live with me. They get grumpy sometimes, but at least I have company.” 

I sighed in relief. Mrs McKay was a good woman. She always looked after me if my mum was too busy. At least she wouldn’t go mad from being lonely.

“Good. So…Alicia’s definitely not with you? Made no contact?”

“No. She isn’t. And no, no contact. I’m so sorry, Harry. I can’t help you.”

“It’s alright. Don’t worry.”

“I hope you can find her.”

“I hope so too. Sorry to bother you.”

“It’s never a bother, Harry.”

Smiling slightly, I hung up. I stressfully ran my hand through my hair.

If Alicia wasn’t with her mother…

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