33. Decision

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A/N: Kinda short chapter-Sorry.

Alicia’s POV

How, Alicia? How did this happen?” Jessica asked firmly, sitting me down on the couch.

“I-I don’t know.” I admitted.

“Well, something must’ve happened, otherwise you wouldn’t be-“

Shut up. I know my own result.”

“Have you…” She began hesitantly. “…cheated on Harry or something?”

“NO!” I glared at her. “How could you even think that?! I would never-“

“Yeah yeah, OK. Calm your shit. I was just asking.” She bit her lip. “So…Harry’s definitely the father, then?”

I winced and nodded.

“Come on Alicia, think. Was there ever a time when you two had sex, and didn’t use a condom?”

How am I supposed to know?!” My tone was really stressed.

“Because you’re the one who’s experienced it! It must’ve happened somehow, Al. Just think back, you can do it.”

Sighing, I tried to think back at all the times me and Harry had sex. I found it hard to keep track in my head, and had to count on my fingers.

“Wow. He must shag you a lot.” Jessica said, noticing my finger counting (I was taking pretty long too).

Ignoring her, my thoughts instantly flashed to the last time it happened.

My 20th birthday.

I shut my eyes tightly and struggled to remember whether or not we used a condom. Flashbacks of what happened that night played over and over in my head, making me lose my concentration.

Finally, something I remembered I said began to repeat itself in my head.

Stop teasing. Just put it in.

FUCK!” I yelled out suddenly, standing up and kicking my bucket over (it was lucky there was no puke in it).

Jessica jumped at my sudden violence. “What? What’s wrong?”

Both me and Harry forgot about the condom that night. I remembered hearing the zipper of his jeans. And I remembered how it happened without any warning. There was no pause long enough to indicate that Harry had put on a condom. No wonder I thought it felt different.

I sat back on the couch, running my hands stressfully through my hair, breathing heavily.

“Al, what is it?” Jessica asked.

It was the first time I heard her actually sounding scared.

“My birthday…” Was all I could say quietly.

“Your…birthday?” Then she gasped. “You two did it…on your birthday?”

I nodded, feeling close to tears.


I nodded again. “Condom-free.”

Why? Did you two want to make a baby?”

“No! We forgot.”

Her eyes widened. “How could you forget something so important?”

I don’t know!” I sighed. “How could I be so stupid?”

“Well, Harry forgot too, so he’s stupid too.”

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