17. Relief

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A/N: Hey! So, I'm pretty much forced to make my chapters Restricted (R) now because of Chapter 15 (seriously-they won't let me change it!), so you guys might want to add this story to your libraries or follow me if you like it.

Next chapter is up! Unedited so there might be some bad grammar.

Alicia’s POV

 “So, you send a tweet saying that all who come to see us at the park tomorrow, the truth about the pregnancy rumour will be revealed to all.” I wanted to confirm Harry’s suggestion. 

We were at my house, sitting on the couch together. I was comfortably sitting on Harry’s lap while his arms were wrapped around me from behind.

“Something like that, yeah.” He twirled some of my hair around his finger. “And if they see it, anyone who’s desperate to get the scoop on the whole ‘Alicia pregnant with Harry’s baby’ thing will go crazy and be there for sure.”

“Plus fans.” I added.

“Plus fans.” He repeated, smiling against my neck as he nuzzled into it.

“And once we say I’m not pregnant-they’ll leave us alone?”

“Hopefully. Unless they start plaguing us with the question on whether or not you’re still a virgin.”

“Which I’m not. Thanks to you.”

“And if you tell them that, they’ll go crazy. So maybe do a little white lie on that one, yeah?”

I giggled as he hit a ticklish spot in my neck. “Yeah. OK.”

He reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my phone.

“Hey! Give it!” I lazily reached out for it, causing him to easily hold it out of my reach.

“I need to send the tweet, don’t I?”

“Use your own phone.”

“My phone’s all the way in my back pocket, and you’re sitting on me, so I can’t really get it. But if you could just get off…”

I groaned. “Nevermind. Use my phone. I’m comfortable.” I leaned back into him further.

“What’s your passcode?” His arms wrapped around me again, holding my phone in front of both of us, his thumbs paused over the keypad. “Nice lock screen, by the way.”

He smiled at my lock screen-the selfie we took together at the park a few weeks ago. Harry’s tongue was poking out and I was doing cross-eyes.

I chuckled. “Thanks. And as for my passcode, just type in your name.” I shrugged.

“My name has five letters. This is a four-digit thing.”

“I missed out one of the ‘r’s.”

Sure enough, he entered ‘Hary’ in the keypad and unlocked my phone.

He suddenly started laughing. “Interesting choice of wallpaper.”

I felt myself turning bright red. I forgot that I’d saved a picture of him shirtless and set it as my wallpaper.

“I meant to change that…” I said slowly.

“Uh-huh. Sure.” He chuckled. “Don’t worry. I think it’s cute, not creepy.” He kissed my cheek.

“Just send the tweet.” I still felt pretty embarrassed.

He opened Twitter and logged out of my account.

“Look away. I don’t want you seeing my password.” He said.

“Why not?”

“I don’t trust you.” The tone of his voice made it obvious he was joking.

“Yes you do.” I looked up at him with an innocent smile. “I won’t hack you-promise.”

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