18. Back to California

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Harry’s POV

“Do you remember that time we ditched school?” Alicia asked, resting her head on my arm.

She was back to her cheerful self ever since we revealed that the pregnancy rumour was fake a few weeks ago. We were leaning against the big tree that was somewhere in the middle of the park. Where we got reunited.

I smiled. “Of course I remember. How can I forget you well you imitated your mother’s voice?”

“And your mother’s.” She added, smiling back at me.

“Yes. And my mother’s.” I felt my smile get bigger.


“Aw, man. I really don’t want to go to school today.” Alicia said, groaning as we stood in front of the school.

“Well…we’re not technically in the school grounds yet. We need to pass that line first.” I looked down at the line in the concrete just in front of our feet.

“So…what’re you saying?” She looked at me.

“We could ditch.”

Her eyes widened. “What?!? We can’t ditch! Can we?”

I smiled. “Sure we can. I’ve seen people do it all the time. Well, mostly it’s the people who are in a relationship. They ditch to make out somewhere. But we…” I put my arm around her. “…we can ditch to hang out as friends somewhere.”

“Don’t those people get in a heap of trouble if their parents find out?”

“Good point…wait. How good are you at imitating voices?”

She shrugged “Depends on what voices.”

“Like…your mum’s?”

“Hmm…” She cleared her throat. “You need to learn to eat seafood, Alicia!” She did a perfect imitation of her mother. “How was that?” She asked.

“Wow! You sounded just like her.” I said, laughing at her seafood joke.


“Yeah! Do my mum now.”

“Umm…” She cleared her throat again. “Alicia, would you like to look at Harry’s baby pictures? I’m sure I have a few albums somewhere.” She sniggered.

“My mum never said that!” I protested.

“She will one day.” She said, smirking. “Anyway, how was that imitation?”

“Once again, a dead ringer of her voice.”

She smiled brightly. “So…why did you want me to do those imitations?”

I smirked, and took her phone out of her pocket without asking.

“HARRY!” She exclaimed in surprise.

“Relax.” I held her phone out to her. “Call the school…and make absence calls for both of us. Using your imitations.”

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly. “But…but…that’s so…naughty!”


“You, my friend, have a bad boy side to you.”

“I know. Cool, isn’t it?” I smiled innocently.

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