19. Sick

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while. Like I said-school gets in the way.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Alicia’s POV

I rushed out of the airport, dragging my suitcase along as fast as I could.

I needed to see my dad.

“Alicia! Slow down!” I heard Jessica call from behind me.

I suddenly felt a strong grip on my arms.

“Alicia, stop running so fast. You might twist your ankle in those heels.” Harry said, almost bringing me down to the ground.

“But I need to see him…” I said.

All the same, I stopped and held onto Harry’s arm.

“The first thing we need to do is find your sister and her boyfriend. They’re picking us up, aren’t they?”

“Why can’t they come faster!” I sat on my suitcase and put my head in my hands.

“You might want to wait somewhere else…”


“You’re sitting in the middle of the road.”

I looked down, and saw that I was indeed smack-bang in the middle of the parking lot. Jessica caught up to us at last.

“Finally!” She panted. “Thanks for slowing her down, Harry.”

“No problem. Come on. Let’s wait on the sidewalk.”

Harry held my shoulder with one hand and my suitcase with the other. Then he led me to the sidewalk with Jessica following close behind.

“Try to relax. At least until they get here.” Harry said, sitting me down on my suitcase.

“But…my dad…”

“You’ll see him soon.”

I sighed and rested my chin in my hand.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the silver flash of a car pulling into the parking lot. I looked up and saw that it was the unmistakable silver Mazda of Tristan. Sure enough, I could see Tristan’s blonde hair and Fiona’s light brown locks in the two front seats.

“Finally!” I said, jumping off my suitcase and running toward the car.

“Alicia!” Jessica yelled out. “Watch out! The car’s still moving!”

Indeed, I skidded to a halt right in front of the moving car. I saw Tristan’s neutral expression change to a shocked one as he hit the brakes and stopped just in front of me. He wound the window down.

“Woah, watch it next time Alicia! I could’ve hit you.” The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile.

“Whatever.” I said, shrugging.

I saw my sister lean forward in her seat to look at me.

“Hey, sis.” She said quietly.

“Hi.” I said, half-coldly.

Now that I was seeing her in person again, I got reminded of the time she broke my picture.


“Alicia! Are you alright?” Harry said, rushing over to me.

I smiled slightly. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

Fiona and Tristan’s mouths seemed to half-drop at the sight of Harry. Like they didn’t believe he was actually there.

“H…Harry?” Fiona asked in disbelief.

He smiled. “Hi, Fiona.”

Her face turned bright red, and I bit my lip to hold in a chuckle. I remembered Fiona’s crush on Harry pretty well.

“And, uh…” He looked at Tristan. “…I don’t know you.”

“Oh, um…” I stepped in. “Harry, this is Fiona’s boyfriend Tristan.”

“Hi.” Tristan said simply.

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