25. One Week Left

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Alicia’s POV

“I can’t believe we only have one week left here.” I said as I rolled the dice.

 I got a five and moved my player forward five spaces.

“I really have to do the tour.” Harry said, taking his turn. He got a four and exclaimed in annoyance. “What the fuck?!? That’s the third time I’ve had to go down a snake!”

Gemma chuckled. “Sorry, brother. Rules are rules. Down you go.”

He muttered angrily to himself as he moved his player down the snake. Gemma took the dice and rolled it. She got a three.

YES! The longest ladder!” She said, happily moving her player up the ladder.

Harry and I both groaned.

“How’s the game of Snakes & Ladders going?” Anne asked, coming into the living room.

“Good. Harry’s losing.” Gemma said with a chuckle.

“And she’s winning.” Harry mumbled, nodding at his sister in frustration.

“And I’m…well…in the middle or something. I’m doing OK.” I chimed in.

“I’m sure one of you can beat her. Well, I hope so. I never can. Have fun, you three.” Anne said, walking off with a smile.

“My turn.” I rolled the dice and got a two. And two spaces ahead of me, there was the longest snake. “Argh! For fuck’s sake!” I cussed.

Gemma burst out laughing. “I guess all the luck is on my side today.”

I used to have all the luck when we were kids.” I mumbled angrily as I reluctantly made my player go down the snake.

Harry sighed as he found out it was his turn again. He rolled the dice and got a one. He moved his player forward one space without saying a word. Gemma took the dice and rolled.

“Six.” She said, smiling as she moved forward six spaces. “Two more and I win.”

“Ugh.” Harry said quietly. Then he got up and went upstairs, leaving us gobsmacked.

“What’s up with him?” I asked.

Gemma shrugged. “Competitive. I guess he’s out, then.”

She flicked his player off the board.

“Maybe I should go see if he’s OK…”

She chuckled. “He’s fine. He’ll get over it. Let’s just finish the game. Your turn.”

With one last look at the stairs, I rolled the dice and got a three. I moved forward three spaces and then handed the dice over to Gemma.

“YES! I got the two!” She triumphantly moved her player to the finish line two spaces ahead. “I win!”

I smiled at her. “Good job.”

I looked at the stairs again, biting my lip.

“Hey. Alicia.”

I turned to look at Gemma, who was smiling at me.

“If you want to check on him, then go.” She winked at me.

I smiled back at her. “Thanks, Gem.”

“You’re a good girlfriend.”

I felt my smile get bigger as I rushed upstairs.

I saw that Harry’s door was open by a crack. I looked through it and saw him sitting on his bed, playing on his phone. I knocked on the door pane and then poked my head through.

“Hiya.” I said, smiling at him.

He smiled back at me. “Hey. Did you finish the game?”

“Yeah. Gemma won.”

He rolled his eyes. “She always does.” He then gave me an apologetic look. “Sorry for trudging off. My competitive side is a lot more competitive now than it was when we were kids.”

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