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Rhett convinced Terra to wait with Jackson again, while he ran outside to grab her something. Instead of going upstairs and garnering unwanted attention, he chose the nearest window and stuck his head out, bracing his arms against the sill to pull himself out. Terra watched with an amused expression, wondering why he didn't just stick his feet out first. He was tall enough that his legs would have been fine, and she heard a grunt as he hit the ground belly first.

It was only a one inch drop roughly, so he took it with no damage except maybe a little dirt in the mouth. He spit the dirt out and hoisted himself up into a push-up position, then from kneeling position he swiftly rose to his feet. He regretted that move instantly as pain spasmed in his lower back, feeling like he was being nicked by a pair of large scissors. He held his hand to his back as he trudged through the yard over toward the solar lights. He plucked one from the ground, twirling it in his hand as he eyed it with contemplative eyes.

He could probably end Jackson's life with it if he held it to Jackson's skin long enough, but he needed Jackson as much as he hated to admit that. He stopped in front of the window, poking his head in. Terra had her knees drawn up to her chest as she sat beside Jackson. They'd resorted to duct taping his mouth shut because of the profanities he was spewing at Terra. Rhett didn't need to have another reason to kill him.

Rhett cleared his throat, and both sets of eyes swiveled toward the window. He beckoned with his hand for Terra to come over, and she scrambled to her feet, standing in front of him. He brandished the light and she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt you as long as you handle it properly. Just like the nightshade can't affect you unless you're trying to change shape or eat it."

Terra raised a brow, wondering how Rhett knew she was questioning that. Both her and Jackson were in the house with the curtains out of the box, yet they were both seemingly fine. That also meant that Terra was only just having a panic attack, and suitably so. Rhett had been angry with her for what she did, not to mention their entire crew had devised a way to keep werewolves from shifting in his home.

These were a very intelligent group of people, and she was grateful that they were plotting against Teegan. She felt safe with them. Especially Chase.

She carefully took the light from Rhett, being extra cautious and handling it only by the handle. She held it like a baseball bat, and she could see the grin through Rhett's beard.

"Great. Use that if he tries anything, but don't hold it against him too long or it could kill him. I'm gonna run upstairs and see what trouble I've gotten myself into," he said, pushing himself away from the window and disappearing.

"Wait!" She called out, and he reappeared not seconds later with a raised brow. She sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, hesitating. "Why are you doing this? What do you have planned?"

Terra's question threw him off guard, and his mouth fell open for a second before he could answer. He had to be careful and choose his words wisely, because he didn't want any cracks in his plan. He had to reassure the girl somehow though, because she looked so uncertain and terrified.

"I can tell you why but I can't tell you what just yet," he said almost in a whisper, looking around him to make sure nobody else was around. Terra stepped closer to the window, her head tilted to the side. "Your brother is causing more trouble than he's worth. He turned you into a werewolf because he planned on killing you. He killed your sister, and is somehow targeting my best friend. Now my wife is missing and I'm certain he has something to do with it. He needs to be stopped, Terra."

Terra swallowed, nodding her head in full agreeance.

She just wished he would tell her how he planned on doing so that way she could be more involved and help him more, but she trusted Rhett and had full faith in his plan. Even if she didn't have a clue what that was. She smiled at Rhett, and he returned the smile.

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