Chapter 1

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Hoiiii guyzzz. Wazzahhhhh. This is my first story I've ever written on wattpad. Anywayzzz I just wanted 2 say that I really appreciate the fact that u actually read this book. Thank u sooooo much . Anywayzzz enjoy. :)

Lucy's P.O.V

'Beep, beep beep'

"Lucy wake up. Time for school." Mom screamed

"Urghhh. Why can't I wake up a little later.. Screw you bloody alarm clock!" I woke up and lazily went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took my bath while singing (Hey don't judge meh) I got out and decided to wear my grey long sleeved shirt and my blue denim shorts along with my converse. I went down to the sweet smell of pancakes. "Yaaaaasssss." I happily skipped down the stairs and accidentally tripped on my shoelace. I landed down face first. 'Great. What a great way to start you morning mate.' (My evil inner voice told me.) Urghhh why. Just why!!! After breakfast, I boarded the school bus and sat by the corner of the bus. Ya' know the "loser" who always sits alone in the corner. Yup that was me.

My name is Lucy. Lucy Williams. I am 13 years old. My family hates me.. I have two siblings who I don't talk to very much. Everyone thinks of me as the black sheep of the family. I wouldn't think of myself as a smarty pants nor would I think of myself as a dumb person. No one really cared about me. I have never been in a relationship before in my life yet so far. I never really complained about anything, I was thankful with what I had.

Yaaasss. We were having our summer break. Today was the last day. I was so happy. After school, I boarded the school bus back home. I took a two hour shower just washing away the thoughts of school. After that I changed into my sweatshirt and sweatpants and drifted off to sleep. It was a Saturday morning. I woke to the thought of my mother screaming.

"Wake up everyone. We're going to go to the museum today."

I groaned as I woke up and got ready for the day. I wore a crop top with slim fit jeans and a pair of black converse. Then we left for the museum. On the way I was very curious about how mysterious how we all suddenly decided to go to the museum. I just shrugged it off and decided to continue looking into the road. The car then stopped at the side of the highway. My dad told me to get out. So I just got out and before I knew it my evil sister had closed the door and the car drove off. I was lost. 

Hoi guyzz. I know its short but sorry. I gtg sleep cuz its freaking 12:44 am. So I hope you guys liked my first chapter. Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. I luv u guyzz so much and I will update it tomorrow. So baiiii. :)

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