Chapter 16

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Lucy's P.O.V

Once he said that he was gonna do some research about me, my heart started to pound. I didn't want Darren to hate me. I knew that he was gonna find out somehow but just not now. I dozed off to sleep in the arms of Darren. I felt safe and protected whenever I was around him.

My mind was telling me to get up but I was too lazy to. After a while I could not take it anymore. My mind was screaming and I did not have peace. I slowly opened my eyes and saw myself hugging Darren and he was staring at me with a huge smirk displayed on his face. I cleared my throat and awkwardly turned away but Darren was too fast and he caught me. He pulled me towards him and now my back was resting on his chest. It was extremely awkward.

"Let me go!"

"No." His voice was so deep and husky. God how on earth does someone have this voice. I turned towards him and now both of our faces were extremely close to each other. So close to each other that I could feel his warm breathing against my face. Am I drooling? Shoot. I instantly ran out of the bedroom and his hand was not fast enough to catch me. I pushed out my tongue at him.

"Haha now who's the fast one?"

"Hey you do know that I can just come there and get you."

"No you can't. You are slow. Now I'm gonna go."

"You can't go anywhere kitty. You're on my plane with me."

"We'll see about that." With that I walked around the plane and found a seat in the corner and I decided to hide in that seat. The seat was so cozy so me being me, I dozed off. I woke up and I was in the same white bed, again. Darren was not there so I went to take a shower. I came out with a bathrobe and saw Darren on the bed. Oh shoot! I rushed towards the bathroom and locked the door. I'm doomed. I suddenly heard 3 knocks on the door.

Darren's P.O.V

Her face was so cute when she saw me. She was waiting in the bathroom for so long so I just decided to leave the room. I knocked on her door to tell her that I was gonna give her some privacy.

Knock Knock Knock

"Lucy I'm gonna leave the room." With that I left the room. I was waiting outside and I heard the bathroom door open and I just waited calmly outside the room. Suddenly I heard the room open and there she was, my Lucy.

"Hello my little Hello Kitty princess. Sleep well?"

"I hate you Darren." She snuck her tongue at me.

"Do you like the clothes? I chose them."

"I like it. Thanks."


"Hey since when were we Mr and Mrs Smith?"

"Umm since you became mine."

"Whatever Im hungryyyyyyy Darry Bear."

"Ok then let me cook you something."

"You? The great Darren Smith cooks? Wow."

"Hey. Do you want your breakfast or not?"

"Okay okay. Im sorry Darry Bear. Now please cook. I'm really hungry." I rushed towards the kitchen and made us some eggs and sausages. I prepared the dish and set it down on the table.

"Kitty breakfast is ready."

"Wow that was fast." We had our breakfast. we had random conversations here and there. I took my shower and decided to wear a casual white shirt and I wore my black rugged jeans. I came out and saw Lucy looking at me with her jaw dropped. I always loved that reaction from her. 


"Paris?" Her eyes sparkled and I loved it.

"Yup. Now buckle up."

"Fine." We reached Paris and she was so happy. It was currently night time in Paris so we checked into our suite. 

"Wait where's my key?"

"It's with me now come on." She followed me and we reached the suite.

"Come on in."

"Wait what? Where's my room?"

"In here?"

"But there's only one room?"

"Yeah. Now stop arguing with me and get in." She got in and immediately ran towards balcony.

"It's beautiful."

"Yes, just like you." Honestly I was just staring at her the whole time. "It's pretty late and you should get some rest."

"Ok then."

"Goodnight kitty."

"Goodnight Darry Bear. I lo...." Her face was red and she immediately closed the door.

"Hey!" I ran towards the door and tried to open it but it was locked. So me being me, I turned off the power supply for the whole suite. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands wrap around my body.

"Darren I'm scared."

"Hold on. I'll fix it." She still held onto me. I turned on the power supply and there I saw Lucy in her cute little Minnie Mouse PJ's.

"Hello there kitty."

"Buh-bye." She was about to run but I caught her.

"Now what were you about to say when you told me goodnight?"


"Are you sure. I think I'll turn off the power supply here."

"No no. I love you Darren."

"I can't hear you."


"I think I'm deaf."

"Oh well good for you."


"Im t..." Before she could finish her sentence I kissed her. Her eyes were in shock but I continued to kiss her. After that we went to bed and slept off. I hugged her and I was glad that she was slowly getting used to it.

Heyy guyzz. Like it? Sorry for not updating in forever. Im pretty busy these days so yea. Anyways guys don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. I love you guys so much. Baiii :)

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