Chapter 18

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Lucy's P.O.V

When we came out of the hotel there was a lamborghini veneno waiting outside for us. A man in his early 40's greeted us. He got out of the car and handed the keys to Darren. We got into the car. 

"You like it."

"No. I don't like it." I decided to play with his mind. His smile instantly faded away and he was dull.

"Well I have a ra.." I put my index finger on his mouth to prevent him from talking.

"Shhh. Darry Bear I was just kidding. I don't like it... I LOVE IT!"


"I'm sorry Darry Bear will you forgive me?" I gave him my innocent face and I saw a small smile form on his lips.

"Fine." With that he started driving. 

"So where are we going?"

"I told you, it's a surprise."


"Now cover your eyes with these." He gave me a bandana to cover my eyes. I was too lazy to argue with him so I just covered my eyes. Suddenly the car stopped and I could hear people screaming. I could also hear laughter. Now where the hell am I at? Hello..

"We're here kitty."    

"Yay I can finally take this bandana off me."

"Nuh uh uh. I didn't say that."

"But please Darry Bear."

"Hold on." He got out of the car and helped me get out of the car too. "Ready princess?"

"Yes, now get this thing off me!"

"Whoa easy kitty, 1...2...3!" He opened the bandana and I opened my eyes. It took a while for me to get used to the brightness. I opened my eyes and I was at...Disneyland!

"Oh my god! It's Disneyland! Come on let's go in. I can't wait to try out all the rides!" I was jumping up and down like a little kid and people were looking at us. I opened my eyes and saw Darren staring at me with a smile on his face as well. "I'm sorry I'm just that really excited about this date."

"I knew you'd like it."

"Wait but how did you know?"

"My dear little kitty princess you wear Disney Pj's all the time. "

"Shh keep it down. People may hear us."

"Now come on let's go in." Darren got our entry passes and we entered Disneyland. "Which ride would you like to go on first kitty?"

"I wanna go on the rollercoaster first."

"Ok then. Let's go." We went on so many rides and I was currently very hungry.

"Umm.. Darry Bear?"

"Yes kitty."

"Im" My stomach suddenly growled loudly. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Come on let's go." There was a stall which sold burgers and hot dogs. We went there and had our lunch. Then we went for a little walk together. Then we continued to ride on the rides. After a while Darren got some ice cream for us. We had our ice cream and watched some of the performances. It was currently night time and the fireworks were about to start. We took our places and got ready for the fireworks. The fireworks began. I was just watching the fireworks.

"It's beautiful isn't it."

"Yup. Just like you." I immediately turned to him and our eyes locked for a moment. He came closer to me and he slipped one of his hands behind my neck and pulled my lips towards his. We kissed under the fireworks at Disneyland in Paris, the city of love. I'm just gonna think that this was my first kiss not near my closet. I smiled at the thought of that. Then we left Disneyland and got back home. We cuddled ourselves into sleep. Suddenly a thought came to me.

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