Chapter 29 (EPILOGUE)

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Hey guyzz, first of all I do want 2 apologise for the delay caused. There's a lot of homework, tests, and studying 2 do so yeah. Today I finished early so I thought why not update, and its also a holiday today. Anyways let's get reading!

Lucy's P.OV

"Daddy, mommy!" I felt one of the twins one top of me. 

"Daddy, mommy!" I heard Liam whine on top of me. I opened my eyes and found Liam sitting on top of me and Levi sitting on top of Darren.

"What is it Liam?"

"We're hungry mommy" I heard Levi say.

"But I thought we were supposed to ask them to play with us." Liam argued with Levi.

"Shhh. Liam you can't tell them, then they won't wake up."

"Ooops, my bad." I chuckled at their cuteness. I loved how the elder on Levi would always scold Liam for ruining his plan. 

"You guys hungry?" 

"Mmhmm." They both said in unison.

"I'll make you guys something, come on don't disturb daddy, let him get some sleep."

"Oki doki." I found it cool that they said the same thing most of the time. 

" Come on guys." I got out from bed and stretched.

"You guys go on and play first, I'll be down in a while."

"Yes mommy." They went down and I proceeded towards the bathroom cleaning myself up. I got out and made my way towards the kitchen. I prepared sunny side up eggs with toast for the twins and went up to take a shower. I got out to get ready for the day. I walked into the walk in closet and  wore my black comfy Nike shorts with a sweatshirt. I dried my hair and tied it into a high ponytail and made my way towards the bedroom to check on Darren. I made my way towards the bed and he was missing. Maybe he's playing with the twins?  I got out and made my way towards the kitchen and found the kids eating pancakes with whipped cream. A lot of whipped cream. 

"How did you guys get the pan." I was soon cut off by a pancake with full of cream smudged against my face from the back. Everyone was laughing. This is what it feels like to be the only girl in a house full of boys. 

"Good morning Miss Pancake"

"Darrennnnn!" I grabbed the bottle of whipped cream and chased Darren. I used my Taekwondo skills and pushed him to the floor carefully making sure not to hurt him. I got on top of him and put a hand full of whipped cream on his face and smudged it with my hand. Soon the twins joined in and we all knew what was gonna happen next...

"CREAM WARRRR!" Everybody took cover and started to attack each other with cream. Soon Levi sat on top of me and attacked me with cream. Then Liam came, and Darren. All of them attacked me with cream and of course I attacked them as well. In the end I lost as always. Oh well.... 

"Mommy is the loser so ice cream for all of us. Yay!" Levi was standing on the kitchen stool proudly. 

" Okay how about some swimming first?" 

"Woohooo let's go." Liam ran towards the pool area and went towards the cabinet near the pool and got his swimming trunks and went towards the one of the rooms to change. Levi followed behind Liam.

"Make sure to shower first guys." Darren and I got changed into our swimsuits as well and by the time we were out, the twins were already playing in the pool. Darren and I sat by the edge of the pool getting used to the temperature and in the blink of an eye, I was in the water. Darren came in and all of them attacked me with the cold water. Then we all decided to play water wrestling where Darren and I would hold the twins on top of us and the twins would wrestle playfully and whoever falls loses. As usual Liam would climb on me and Levi would climb on top of Darren. We fought and in the end both of us fell but of course we made sure the twins were safe. We got out and took our showers. I got out and Darren was on the bed taking a nap. I sat beside him. I slowly moved my fingers through his hair and then he moved. I stopped and I was about to get up to go but Darren pulled me down and I was facing him. 

"Did I tell you to stop?" His eyes were still closed. I giggled and pinched his cheeks.

"Ouch!" I poked my tongue at him. 

"Let's go check on the twins." I held his hand and we went towards their room and they were drawing. There were so many drawings on their art wall. But one drawing caught my eyes. It was a drawing of me and Darren and I. It said Mr and Mrs Billionaire. 

"Hey guys how did you know this name."

"Easy, mom. On the news daily you guys are there. And the whole world knows you as Mr and Mrs Billionaire." Levi said and Liam nodded. I loved how observant these two were. Levi was more like Darren more a bit serious about stuff while Liam was like me, someone who was just calm. But I still loved the both of them.

"Mommy can you tell us how you guys met?"

"You know what let me tell you that." Darren said and I blushed remembering myself sleeping in my office when we met for the first time. We all sat on the couch and Darren started.

"It all started on a night where your mommy was sleeping on her chair in her office." 

Hey guyzzz. I know it's the end. Why? Because I don't wanna make you guys wait anymore so yeah I decided to make you guys happy by finishing the book. It is kinda sad though, cuz like it's over. Oh well... I'll come up with new ones. Thank you guys for completing this journey with me and you guys have no idea how thankful I am to you guyzz. Anywayzzz don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. I love you guyzz so much. Baiiiii 😁

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