Chapter 10

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Heyy guyz I'm back with another chapter so let's read. ;)

Lucy's P.O.V

Beep Beep Beep

Ugh. Screw you bloody alarm clock. I've been doing this routine for four years and I'm still not used to it. As usual I would go take my shower and change into my office attire. I went down for breakfast and were greeted by my parents.

"Good morning, tiger." Dad said while sipping his coffee.

"Sleep well, princess?"

"Good morning dad, and yes I did sleep well mom."

After breakfast I gave my parents goodbye hugs and kisses and left for work. I was having this weird excitement in me today i don't know why. Maybe it was because of Darren. Wait, what! No.. I can't fall in love. I'm too scared to get hurt again. But why does he seem different. 

"You know what, he doesn't like you. Don't you read the newspapers? Bro almost every week he is on the newspaper and it says 'BIGGEST PLAYBOY IN NEW YORK'." My evil inner voice echoed in my heart. I felt hurt thinking about that. Wait... why was I sad? It's not like as if I am dating him or something? Something is definitely wrong with me. I reached the office and as usual I was greeted by the guards outside and by all my staffs inside the building. I took my private elevator and went up straight up to my office. I was just focused on my work because when i'm at work I can't get distracted easily. 

Lunch break

I was so busy with work that I forgot that it was lunch break. I was interrupted by 3 knocks on the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Come in." I was so concentrated with my work I didn't even look at who it was. I supposed that it must be one of my staffs so i just kept on looking at my table. I was then greeted by a deep husky voice which made me slightly flinch. I looked up and saw the same pair of warm brown eyes. It was Darren. Uh oh.

"Hello Lucy. We meet again." He walked over to my table and sat down with both of us not braking eye contact. He walked over to me with such style and was so formal. Oh lord. I knew my jaw was down but I didn't care.

"H-h-hello Darren." I could feel my cheeks heating up. Shoot. Why am I like this only when I am around him?.

"Sooo, have you decided about the partnership?"

"Y-y-yes. I-i have a-agreed."

"Thank you Lucy."

"Y-y-you're we." I was interrupted by my phone. Of course it was my father. He is gonna embarass me.

Ring, ring, ring

"Hello tiger. How's my pretty little princess doing? Have you had your lunch yet?"

I face palmed myself because dad was embarrasing me infront of Darren. Again.

"No dad. I'm gonna go shortly."

"Ok then tiger. Take care ok?"

"Ok dad."

"I love you tiger."

"I love you dad. Bye"

With that I ended the call decided to settle this partnership. We were finally done with the partnership.

"Umm Lucy?"

"Yes Darren?"

"Let's go out for lunch. I'm starving as well."

"Ok. Let's go."

With that I took my bag and walked out happily. We arrived at Eleven Madison Park and had lunch. While we were ordering our menu the waiter was kind of flirting with Darren. I don't know why but I felt jealousy in me. But Darren just ignored her. She kept on going and was almost about to touch him but I spoke up.

"Excuse me if you keep on flirting him, I will get you fired in the blink of an eye." I put on my serious look. It works on everyone except for my parents because I don't give them my serious look. She then stepped away from Darren and I felt relieved.

We finished our lunch and then decided to play a game of 20 questions to get to know each other more. Then as we got outside of the restaurant Darren grabbed my phone out of my hand and then he asked me for the password. I refused to give it to him. He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I was resting on his chest. I could feel his gentle breathing in me and his muscles. God I loved it. He took my hand and brought my thumb to the home button and it was unlocked. He then did something on my phone and gave it back to me. He had a huge smirk on his face. I decided to check my phone and saw a new contact succesfully added. There was a weird name on the phone. 'DARRY BEAR'.

"Darren who on earth os Darry Bear?"

"It's me"

"And why would you save your name as that?"


"OK then..."

With that he dropped me off work and drove off to his office.

I finished work at 9:30pm today. I just wanted to go home and sleep. I went back and let sleep take over my body.

Heyyy guyzz. 2 chapters in a day. Yay. Anywayzz guyzzz thank you so much for reading my book. Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE. I love you guyzz sooo much. Baiii :)

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