Chapter 3

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Hewwoooo my fellow readerzz. Im back with another chapter. So let's read. :)

I then waved her goodbye and left with my parents.

As we walked out of my aunts apartment six guards I think which were 6 foot 3 surrounded us. I wanted to scream because I thought we were gonna go to jail. But my dad told me that these were our personal bodyguards. Little did I know that my parents were billionaires. Then realisation hit me, my new parents are the freaking owners of the GRAHAMS CO. OMG! As we continued to walk I saw a Limo in front of me. A FREAKING LIMO! HELLOO! My inner voice ignored me.

"Oh my gosh! That's a limo. Is it yours?" I asked with excitement. 

"No dear it's not my Limo" dad said and my jaw dropped. I felt like a complete idiot. "It's our Limo." My dad said. I kinda felt embarassed and playfully hit him on his shoulder. 

"Lucy dear now we are going to take you to the court now. Don't worry you're not going to jail dear." My mom said with a chuckle after seeing my reaction when she said we were going to the court. 

"W-w-why a-are we g-going to the court?" I asked with full of questions going around in my head. 

"We are about to change your surname to Grahams. So you will officially be part of the Grahams. You will be Lucy Grahams." My dad said proudly.

"Oh." I just replied quietly. My mind was doing a victory dance and I just felt like this was going to be a new beginning for me. A new chapter of my life has just begun. Yay! The car ride was silent maybe because I fell asleep. I couldn't blame myself. The seat was just so comfortable and I felt darkness take over me. I was soon awakened by my mom and dad . I was sitting in between the both of them and they were shaking me on both sides and laughing. 

"Aarghhhhh. Earthquakeeeee!!!!!!" I thought there was a freaking earthquake.So I was screaming and I saw both mom and dad laughing. 

The court

The room was quiet very quiet when the judge spoke. Honestly it was quite boring. Finally we were almost done.


JUDGE: Do you Lucy Williams agree to change your surname to Lucy Grahams and officially take Mr and Mrs Grahams to be your parents from now on?

Me: Yes. I agree to change my surname to Grahams, and I agree to take Mr and Mrs Grahams as my parents.

Judge: Now Mr Grahams do you officially take Lucy as your own daughter and treat her as your own daughter?

Mr Grahams (Dad): Yes. I officially take Lucy as my daughter and will be proud to call her my daughter.

Judge: And you Mrs Grahams do you officially take Lucy as your own daughter and treat her as your own daughter?

Mrs Grahams (Mom): Yes. I will officially take Lucy as my own daughter. I will be proud to call her a Grahams. Lucy Grahams.

Judge: By the power of the law you shall be Lucy Grahams and welcome to the family. Congratulations Lucy. You are now dismissed.

 They made us sign some paperwork. To make more official. I was tired and bored as well. 

We were now in the car. It was silent but then my dad turned on the radio and started jamming out trying to be cool. My mom joined in. I was just laughing the whole time. I finally became myself. I joined in and became crazier. My parents looked at me in shock and just laughed the whole time while I was going all crazy.

"I t-think w-we have f-found the r-r-eal Lucy."Dad said in between laughs.

"I-i-i d-def-finitely t-think we did." Mom said trying to hold back her laughter.

After a while of crazy time I sat down and I was given a cold bottle of water."Wait..what?" I looked around the Limo and saw a refrigerator placed in the corner. "Now how did I not notice that?" I was trying to catch my breath. I gulped down all the water one shot.

"Whoa whoa whoa easy tiger. Now we don't want you to be choking don't we?" My dad said.

I just shook my head in response as I was panting heavily. The car stopped in front of a large mall. Damnnnn. It was huge and fancy. 

"Let's go Lucy.  We have to get you new clothes." My mom said cheerfully.

"We can spend some time with our little tiger." My dad said with a huge smile on his face. I gave him a funny fierce face as a response.

After shopping. We were about to leave but then my dad said he had to buy a new Iphone since his Iphone 6s plus was laggy. While I was at the Apple store I looked around and saw the beautiful phones which were definitely very expensive. I instantly fell in love with the Iphone 7 Rose Gold. I decided to kinda use it. My dad was done with his phone and he saw me just admiring the phone. He came over to me and saw me looking at the phone.

"I can see that my tiger likes this phone? Do you want this?"

"Umm it's fine. I think I can manage without a phone."

"What my little tiger does not have a phone! Shannon can you believe it! Our little tiger does not have a phone!"

"I-i'm sorry." I was scared of my dad at that time. He looked very scary. 

"Oh Lucy dear. I'm sorry, it's just that I can't take it when my little tiger does not have a phone. You need to have everything. You are my little angel. You should have everything that you want." Dad's expression softened and he pulled me into a warm fatherly hug. "But that still doesn't mean that you're not going to have a phone. Do you like this one the Rose Gold Iphone7 ?"

 Do you like this one the Rose Gold Iphone7 ?"

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"Yes please."

We then had some food and left for home.

Hope you guyzzzz enjoyed chapter 3. Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE AND SHARE. I love u guyzz so much. Baiiiii :)

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