Chapter 25

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Lucy's P.O.V

Beep beep beep

Urghh, I groaned as I knew I had to wake up and go for my morning jog. I stretched and got changed into my exercising outfit. I made my way down and decided to jog along the pavement near the beach. After a good 30 minutes of jogging I went back to my penthouse and took a nice bath. Then I got ready for the day by drying my hair and putting it up in a ponytail cuz its Hawaii, got changed into my outfit of the day which was a simple top with denim shorts paired along with my Nike's and my favourite watch which my dad gifted me on my 14th birthday. I don't know why but today I had the urge to bake some brownies. So I made my way towards my car and made my to the mall. I entered the grocery store and got the ingredients that I needed. After paying I was making my way towards my car and suddenly I spotted a lady who looked like as if she was in her mid 40's and she was struggling with her bags. I made my way towards her and helped her by picking up most of the bags.

"Oh please dear you don't have to do that. Come on, give it to me."

"No please miss. Let me help you." I gave her my puppy eyes. She smiled showing me her dimples. 

"Alrighty then." She guided me towards the car and I was quite shocked at the car she was driving. It was a BMW X6. Damn lady you've got good taste. She opened the booth and I put all the bags in her car. 

"Thank you so much dear. How about a coffee next time?" She was so nice so I couldn't say no.

"Sure thing miss." 

"Oh come on, do I really look that old?" She gave me a twirl. I chuckled at how playful she was.

"Hahaha no you don't look that old." 

"By the way what's your name dear? I am Kathy." 

"Oh I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you Kat." We did a weird handshake. Damn I was loving this woman already. We exchanged numbers and I made my way back to my house. I felt like as if something was wrong but just shook the feeling off. I made my way to my couch and just watched some Netflix shows. Suddenly my phone rang making me jolt upwards. I saw the called ID and it was Kathy.

Ring ring ring 

"Hey Kat what's up?"

"Oh umm I just wanted to ask you if you lost anything dear."

"Hmm I did get that feeling. Why do you ask?"

"Oh cuz I found some flour, chocolate and other baking stuff. Do you own any of these?"

"Oh my gosh, I must've put all of the bags into your car including mine." She chuckled.

"Hahaha what a cutie. Well um how about I meet you at your place?"

"No no no please don't take the trouble Kathy."

"Oh relax would you it's just two light bags and I also need to work to work my muscles."

"Oh well okay then. I'll text ya the deets."

"Kay bye Lucy."

"Bye Kat." I texted her my address and waited for her by reading some books on Wattpad. (NOT SPONSORED BTW)

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong

I made my way towards the door and opened the door. I welcomed her with a hug. She gave me my two bags and I set them down on the kitchen counter.

"It's a wonderful place that you've got here."


"What would you like to drink?" 

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