Chapter 8

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With that I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, I let sleep take over my body.

The next day

Beep Beep Beep

Noooooo. Why. Screw you bloody alarm clock. It was 8:00 am and I hated it. I got up and sleepily went into the bathroom. I took my shower and got into my office attire. I applied the slightest amount of make up I could on my face. I went down for breakfast and were o be greeted by my parents.

"Good morning tiger. Sleep well?" 

"Good morning sleeping beauty. How are you?"

"Good morning mom and dad. I did sleep well and I am doing fine." 

After breakfast, I took my Lamborghini Aventador to office. Bash wasn't  my driver anymore instead he became my mothers driver.  I just felt bad because he had to come fetch me at work with big black bags under his eyes.

I reached work. I parked my car infront of the building and proceeded to enter the building. My guards greeted me with the usual smile and 'good morning' and as usual I would smile back and give them a nod.  I got in and was immediately greeted by all my staff. I headed up to my private elavator and immediately started with work.

Mike was acting very weird. He was smiling a lot. I mean I didn't have a problem with him smiling but it was as if he was up to something.  I just shook it off and decided to concentrate on my work.

Lunch Break

Per usual my dad would always call me, to check if I was eating. 

"Hello tiger. Did you have your lunch yet?"

"Yes dad. Don't worry."

After lunch I went back to work. I had a lot of work to do. It was now 9:57 pm and I was really tired. I was kinda disturbed about how Mike decided to stay in the office saying he had work to do. Anyways if he had tried to attack me or anything I can use my Taekwondo skills against him. But I'm sure Mike would never do anything like that.

I suddenly heard 3 knocks against the door. 

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Come in."

"Mrs. Grahams. I am going to leave now and I forgot to tell you that Mr Smith from SMITH.CO wanted to come here. He said he had some business to do with you and he would arrive at 10:15pm. I'm sorry Mrs Grahams I forgot to inform you earlier." Mike had fright in his eyes.

"It's alright Mikey. Drive safely."

"Thank you Mrs.Grahams." With that he spun around to the door and then came back in.

"Yes Mike."

"You know Mrs Grahams, Mr Smith is very good looking and you two would be very good partners." I raised my eyebrows at him. "I mean p-partners in business." With that he had a smile on his face and gave me a wink after leaving.

I wasn't affected by what Mike had said at all. I've met many good looking gentleman but I never fell for any of them. It was already 10:15 pm and I felt so sleepy. I couldn't help myself but doze off on my chair. After a while I woke up and was immediately greeted by a pair of warm brown eyes. Our eyes locked and I couldn't help but break eye contact with him. I then looked up to his face and decided to study his facial features. His hair had matched with his eyes. His jawline was so sharp that it could have cut me. God why is he so good looking! I then moved my eyes down to his lips. Good lord! How could a man be ever so perfect?

"Are you done drooling over me Ms Grahams?" His voice was so deep and husky. Oh my god! He's perfect. 

I started to blush and look down at the floor. I then realised that I was in a very bad sleeping position. I straightened myself against the chair and dust my shirt trying to act formal.

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