Chapter 11

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Heyy guyss. Sorry for the late update. I was busy with hw. So lets read ;)

Darren's P.O.V

After dropping Lucy, I reached my office and I just couldn't work. One part of me was just wanting to meet Lucy. I was just thinking about her. The way she smiles, talks and oh god she was perfect. I was thinking about her the whole entire time. I couldn't concentrate. I pushed away my thoughts and decided to focus on my work. I opened up my email and found an invitation to the annual party held yearly for all the top billionaires in New York. The party was on Sunday which was the day after tomorrow .I didn't want to go so I just ignored it. Suddenly my inner voice came into my head. 'You dummy. You should go, don't you wanna meet your Lucy?' Oh yeaa... Lucy is gonna go for the party. So without hesitation I accepted the invitation. 


Today was the day, the day I meet my Lucy again. I made sure to wear one of my best Armani suits. I made sure my hair was combed in a neat way. I basically made sure that my appearance was perfect for Lucy. After getting ready, my driver drove me to the party in my Limo. I only use my Limo and my driver for special occasions. I reached the ballroom and there were many people there. I was only looking for Lucy and no one else. Suddenly I saw her by the bar talking to someone on the phone. I approached her and she was so beautiful. I decided to eavesdrop to her conversation.



Lucy: Yea it's fine Mike. 


Lucy: Yea don't worry.


Lucy: Ok then. Bye Mike.


Lucy: Love you too. Bye

With that she cheerfully ended the call. My anger inside me was boiling. Who on earth is Mike! No, she can't love anyone else except for me. She said something to me. I turned towards her with anger in my eyes.

"A-a-are you okay Darren?" She looked so innocent yet she looked like as if she feared me.

"Who on earth is Mike? Why are you telling him that you love him? You know there is a word to tell girls if they like two people at the same time." I lost it.

"Why do you care. It's my personal life so you should just mind your own business. I thought you were someone else. And I can't believe that you actually think of me a useless girl who likes two people at the same time. I thought you were someone else Darren" She was so mad. Oh no what did I do. I couldn't take it anymore. I decided to get drunk to release my tension. I turned over to the bartender.

"Give me 10 shots."

"Are you out of your mind Darren?!"

"You're right. I would like 15 shots."

The bartender looked at me to confirm my order and I shook my head. I drank 15 shots and I felt so sleepy. I suddenly turned to look at Lucy. She looked at me with concern in her eyes. 

"Lucy, I..." I felt darkness take over my body. The last thing I heard was Lucy calling my name.

 The last thing I heard was Lucy calling my name

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