Chapter 22

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Darren's P.O.V

I hurriedly made made my way towards the park. I parked my car and hurriedly made my way towards the park. I walked around the park and I finally found my Lucy. She was leaning on the tree and saying something to herself. I quietly made my way towards her and sat down quietly she seemed so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice me. 

"Why? Why does everything not have a happy ending for me. First of all I was dumped by my parents and then everything went fine after I was with my now so mom and dad and then my ex boyfriend cheated on me with my 'best friend' then I decided to move on then I met Darren and I gave love another chance but it betrayed me again. Well I'm sure he's now with his whatever Michelle. Well I guess I'll never have a happy ending." She chuckled and closed her eyes and leaned her head against the tree. Tears were falling down her cheeks like a never ending river. But I was confused, she was dumped by her parents? So does that mean she's adopted? Well whatever it was, her real parents should regret dumping her because she was an angel. Thinking about the amount of hardship she must've gone through must've been hard for her. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. I had hurt her so much. How could I?! Maybe she was happier without me. Well it's time to let her go. You know what they say if you love someone let them go and if they love you they will come back. But this time there was no one coming back. 

"I'm sorry Lucy. I-i've hurt you several times with my actions, and I understand that you don't like me anymore. I'm sorry for letting your hopes for love go down. I always jumped to conclusions without asking you the reason. I know that you're fed up of this relationship. So." My voice cracked and tears started flowing down my cheeks again. I couldn't say this but it was for the best. I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Goodbye Lucy." I walked away and sped off to my mansion.

Lucy's P.O.V

What?! We're over. Oh my god. We're over, like literally. I couldn't stop crying. I got up and sped home. His words kept on replaying in my head. It was like a never ending sentence replaying in my mind. 

2 years later

I was so fed up with life that I almost ended it. Yup I almost did it, but Chris would always come there and save me. I lost all my emotions. I became a cold, heartless workaholic. I worked everyday, because that's the only way I could forget about everything that happened. I decided to move out and live in my own house. I lived in a beautiful, luxurious and spacious penthouse. Everyday I would leave the office after 12 in the morning.

Beep beep beep.

I'm too sleepy. 

Beep beep beep.

Shut up.

Beep beep beep.

Okay fine, Im up, i'm up. Happy? I got ready for the day and proceeded to breakfast. I came out and saw omelettes prepared for me. That can only mean one thing. 

"Crickyyyyy!!" My voice echoed but no one was there. I opened the kitchen door and Chris jumped out. 


"Gotcha." I just rolled my eyes at him. I made my way to the table and ate my breakfast while Chris just stared at me with a worried look on his face. He was freaking me out.

" Is everything alright?"


"What's wrong Chris?"

"I just miss the old you, you know. How you used to be cheerful and happy spending time outside with people and I miss those times. I wish I could be with that old Lucy again.."

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