Chapter 17

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Lucy's P.O.V

I got up peacefully and found Darren sleeping peacefully beside me. His hair was messy and it was so cute. I immediately snapped a picture of him, but this time I checked if my flash was on or off. I got out of bed and took my bath. I came out with a towel wrapped around my body. I opened my bag and I was amazed. The bag was filled with cute outfits and I made a mental note to myself about thanking the person who chose this clothes. I got changed into my sports attire. I went towards the kitchen and I did not find anything to eat. I decided to  go for my morning jog and get some breakfast. The weather in Paris was wonderful. After my jog I went to the suite shop and got myself and Darren some breakfast. I got some cup noodles since it was the easiest to make. I went up to our suite and started to boil the water. While waiting for the water to boil I turned on some music and started jamming out. I was swaying my hips and slowly whipping my head followed by rhythmic steps. I poured the water in the cup and waited for it to cook. Suddenly I felt warm breathing on my neck, then a pair of hands slipped around my waist. Oh god it's him isn't it. (Pic of their position above.)

Darren's P.O.V

Urghh what is that sound it's killing me. It's so loud and I don't like it. God. I found out that Lucy wasn't there, it must be her down there. I went towards the kitchen and saw my Lucy there. Wow  she looked so beautiful. She was swaying her hips gently and whipping her hair slowly and she was moving around slowly. God help me she's so beautiful. I slowly went towards her and watched her make cup noodles. I slipped my hands around her waist. I put my head on her shoulder to look at her face and she was a tomato. I always loved that reaction from her, she was so cute.

"Get away from me!"

"But why?"

"Because I'm sweaty a-and I-i-i am making breakfast."

"But you look beautiful and I couldn't control myself. And baby I don't care if you're sweaty or whatever. You're mine." She was blushing crimson red right now and she hid her face in my chest. Then she looked up into my eyes and our eyes locked for a moment. I was about to catch her lips but she pushed me away from her.

"Nuh-uh uh." I gave her a sad face. "I'm making breakfast Darren."

"Fineeeee." I went back to the bedroom and slept off. 

Lucy's P.O.V

Oh man, I made him sad. Anyways I had my noodle and brought Darren's noodles to the room. There he was sleeping peacefully. I felt bad for making him sad. So I left the noodle on the table and got on top of him and I gave him a small peck on the lips. I got off him and sat on the edge of the bed. I was staring at him and his abs for quite a while. I shook my head and was about to get off the bed until his hand slipped around my waist.

"Not so fast missy. You're not going anywhere."  He pulled me and now he was hugging me and my head was lying on his chest.

"Let me go!"


"Please. I uh um... y-your noodles. Your noodles they're getting cold."

"The noodles can wait."

"B-but....." I was waiting for an answer but he was quiet. "Fine."

"Good girl." Suddenly I let sleep take over me. I woke up and saw myself alone on the bed. Suddenly Darren came out from the shower. Oh my god! His towel was on his waist. His hair was wet from the shower and his abs were gorgeous. Suddenly I realised that I was drooling. I immediately looked away and covered my face with my hands, because I could feel my cheeks heating up. I heard footsteps coming closer towards me. I opened my eyes and saw Darren looking at me and he instantly kissed me.

"Listen Lucy. You should never be afraid to tell me anything. You can stare at me for as long as you want. You're mine and I'm yours kitty."

"Ok. Umm I'm gonna go take my shower."

"Ok then." I got into the bathroom and took my shower. After a 30 minute shower I got out with a towel wrapped around me and thankfully Darren was not there. I think he knew that I felt shy around him when I came out of the bathroom. After getting ready I went out and found Darren on his phone. But when he saw me, he turned off his phone and walked towards me. God he was so handsome, even though he was just wearing a simple v neck shirt with black rugged jeans. His shirt hugged his body showing his muscles. Then I realised that Darren was staring at me from head to toe and I knew that I was blushing. He walked towards me and I stepped back, he kept coming to me until my back hit the wall. He leaned into my ear.

"You look beautiful kitty." It sent shivers down my spine. "Now are you ready for the day?"

"Y-y-yes." We held hands and  got out if the suite. Just as we were about to reach the elevator I stopped him. "Darren"

"Yes kitty."

"Umm.. you still haven't told me where we're going to?"

"It's a surprise kitty."



"Fine." I crossed my arms and made a sad face which Darren laughed at. God his laugh. I could just listen to that laugh all day.

Lucy's sports outfit

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Lucy's sports outfit.

Darren's outfit of the day

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Darren's outfit of the day.

Lucy's outfit of the day

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Lucy's outfit of the day.


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